Chapter nineteen

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"Please tell me I heard you wrong," Raven says while tightening his hold on me

"I wish I was," sighing Dev runs his hands down his face.

"Those are the things that would kill any supernatural that they came across, and even killed all the trolls in the country and almost wiped out the vampires?" I ask.

"We were also almost completely decimated by them as well," Dev says.
The elder would like to meet you both, if it's ok with you, I'd like to bring you back with me, I realize the ceremony is in a few days right? So that just leaves us to figure out when to see her. She may end up just showing up at your house," he says rolling his eyes.

"I take it she is anxious to meet me?" I ask him with a rueful smile.

"It's ok it's just she's like a granny to us, so it drives me nuts when she wanders off on her own like she does," he says.

"If Scarlett has to do some kind of training would you allow your elder to stay at our home?" Raven asks.

"Here?" He asks confused.

"No Scarlett has land in the middle of our territory," Rave looks at me with love, "it's our home, I moved in when we mated it's a beautiful place and we have a spare room."

"She's welcome to stay," I say with sincerity.

"I would have to run it by her, I personally don't mind I trust y'all to keep her safe, not that she can't protect herself," he says with a laugh.

"Are you positive it's the Dreggs? We haven't heard of any in two hundred years," Raven asks still having a troubled tone.

"Yeah, and I know how you feel it's throwing me off too, I mean I thought they died out when they tried taking on the Fae over seas. If they won against them we're screwed, at least that's what my head keeps saying. The prophecy says that Scarlett can destroy them though, but the elder was vague about it and said she would discuss it when she met you." His frustration rolls off him in waves and it matches ours.

From what I remember Mary telling me, the Dreggs would kill any supernatural that was unfortunate enough to have crossed their path.

Then they would eat them, they believed that in doing so they would steal the strength of the victim they just slaughtered.

They themselves are a type of supernatural that are water based, if my memory is correct. I'm not sure it is though, but I do remember something about them having to do with water.

I remember Mary saying how their bite was toxic and that's how they would bring down their victims, they would bite them, like a snake and then wait till they couldn't fight back.

There was something else that's important but I can't remember what it is, if only I could remember.

We decided to head to Dev's after my ceremony, in the mean time he decided to talk to the elder again. I wonder how it will go, hopefully things will go well.

The next few days were spent getting the finishing touches done for the ceremony, and learning as much as we could about the Dreggs.

Apparently they haven't been seen in this country for two hundred years. Not since they went overseas to attack the fae mounds that had opened. The magic that they gave off lured the Dreggs away.

Most of the wild type of supernaturals here disappeared from our country, they fled, at least those who could. Those who couldn't died or were driven close to extinction. Like the vampires, our ranks also suffered many losses. Most of the packs in the country were wiped out, our numbers went from one hundred packs to ten.
We were very lucky to have survived, the vampires suffered even more than we did. Only two covens survived in the world and no more than that.
The witches faired better than all of us, they used their magic to save themselves and to help those of us that remained.

They were able to stop them but not destroy them. According to the prophecy that was foretold, a baby girl born on the blood moon would be able to destroy them forever.

The details of the prophecy have been kept secret from the masses, it's to keep the baby safe they say. I'm not sure how true that can be, I wonder if that's why I was abandoned in a dumpster. Or maybe my parents feared what I would become.

I'm currently sitting in the pack library reading books on our legends and myths. Have been all day, I just put down the twentysomething book of the day when the door opens and Rave walks in.

"Hey babe come on rest your eyes, you know what they said the white wolves have been trusted with the knowledge by the Moon Goddess, that will save us from the Dreggs," Raven says picking me up.

"You've been at this all day, come on babe let's get some sleep your ceremony is tomorrow night," he says softly making his way upstairs. I curl into his warmth and fall asleep before we even make it to our room.

I wake up half on top of Raven the light coming in says its noon already. Sitting up I see Raven is still sleeping, but before I can move he cuddles me.

"Mmmh just a little longer baby this is the most we have slept in the last few days," he says in a sleepy voice.

Giving in I lay my head back down only to have Jackie and her mom come in, "ok, Raven get out we have to get her ready!" They both yell.

"The ceremony is literally hours away, so come back later!" He whines holding me tighter.

"Out of that bed young man and fork her over," his mom says with a smile.

"No and you can't make me," he grumbles tucking his face into my neck tickling me in the process.

"Don't make me call your father!" His mom threatens.

"UGH....fine you win this round," he kisses me stupid and gets out of bed leaving the room.

"Thank the Goddess he had pants on!" Jackie says making me blush.

"Ok it's time to pamper you, I mean get you ready," their mom says with the biggest smile, this should be fun right?

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