Chapter forty three

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Raven's POV

It's already been a month since that asshole left his "gifts" for Mick's mate.  Two weeks since our scouts found his land forfeited, "where the fuck did they go!!" Dev had yelled in frustration saying what we all were thinking.

I had told Scarlett what had happened and like me she had been worried about all the women and children, also about what's coming.  She worked hard and now has control of the lightning element.  She can literally be a walking taser.

Not only has she focused on her training but has helped Mick's mate.  She helped her settle in and has been helping them both with the nightmares, well her and Sabrina.  I don't blame them for having them I would too.

She is supposed to be starting a new thing soon I think she said spirit or spirit element.  I'm not sure and have no idea how she's planning on working with or on it but I hope it's not dangerous.

Right now I'm heading into the conference room where they are already yelling.  "Ok what did I miss?"
I sigh.

"We found where they moved to, but we don't know how long they are going to stay so we have to move quickly!" Alpha Roger says.

"Where?" Is all I get out before Loewe answers.

"Just north of Ignatius Lake, there's an old abandoned camp ground.  His loyal supporters have set up there, if we don't move now we'll miss our chance."

"Then let's get moving!" I say and start organizing my warriors, the other Alphas are doing the same.  I break away to find Scar and let her know.

I find her feeding our pups in the nursery.  "Hey I thought you were working," I say as I enter the room.

"I was but my breasts were killing me, letting me know it's time to give our little ones their lunch," she says smiling down at our little girls.  Our boys are sitting in a play pen talking to each other while playing with blocks.

"Babe we found where they are, we're moving out soon," I say and she looks at me.

"You had better come home safe and in one piece or I will kick your A-S-S!" She says smiling and I can't help the smile on my face.

"Yes dear, but seriously keep your eyes open remember what I told you," I say with a serious expression but light tone so I don't worry our pups.

"I'll do my best to keep us safe," she says.

"Do not sacrifice yourself," I say a bit too hashly because the kids all look at me.

"That's not something I plan on doing now stop distracting the girls," Scarlett scowls at me.

I nod then kiss them each distracting them again, then kiss Scar's lips, "I love you." Her eyes soften, "I love you more" she whispers and I shake my head.  "There's no way that's true," I laugh, crouching down I kiss my boys and tickle them both.  "Protect your sisters and be good for your momma, ok boys," I say kissing their heads again.  I'll see you when I get home," I say standing up Azure shouts at me and Jackson starts his baby talk.

Leaving my family to deal with those assholes is difficult but necessary, running in our wolf forms we make quick work of reaching our destination.
We surround the camp then move in.

"IT'S AN ATTACK!!" One of his loyalists  screams.

As if the starting bell in a fighting match it's on and the fighting commenced.

Scarlett's POV

It's only been about four hours since Raven and the others left but it feels longer.  I couldn't focus on my training for shit after they left so we called it a day early.

Right now I'm pacing around, I got my pups in their playpen and they are talking and laughing at each other.  They are so cute, I wish I could relax and just enjoy watching them without worry. 

Jackie comes in with my nephew, "how are you holding up?" She asks.

"Probably about as well as you," I sigh.

"I thought so," she sighs placing Justin next to the boys.  "I never knew waiting would suck so bad, I wish I was beside Leon... watching his back.  Oh did I tell you I taught him to make mac n cheese and its edible!"

I crack up laughing, "oh my God he made food and didn't burn the house down!?"

"Hey, he's trying," Jackie laughs with me.

"I'm happy for him and that the kitchen survived," I smile.

For the next two hours we Bullshit and make each other laugh, doing our best to keep our worries at bay.  Our pups played with the blocks and crawl around. Then Jackson did something, he made a funny face I think which caused Justin to crack up laughing. His laugh was so infectious the others laughed as well.
Then we were giggling along with them.

"Scarlett ..sweetie.. Livi, one of the eleven year old kids, said Isla was asking for you," Martha says as she walks in.

"Oh hey mom!" Jackie waves like a loon making Martha laugh.

"Hi my girls, Oh and my Grandbabies!" She says sitting down carefully by the play pen to play with the kiddos.

"Alright thanks Martha where was she? Did Livi say?" I ask standing.

"She said she had just went to the garden, she's been getting better but she still hasn't gotten out much so hopefully this'll be a good thing," Martha says with hope.

Poor Isla still has been having her nightmares but they have become less with time so that's something.

"Ok I'll go check on her, be good my loves," I say to my pups who are currently playing with their Nana.

I leave the nursery and head down stairs.  As I pass members of the pack I exchanged hellos and smiles.  Heading into the garden I look for Isla, over by the Gazebo I see her sitting with her back to me.

I just got to her when I hear someone screaming for me, turning quickly to see what's going on. Running towards me is Isla and Jenny one of our warriors who stayed.

Oh shit.... then who's behind me?

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