Chapter seventy

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After I woke things were bittersweet, perhaps I need to recap ok I'll start with right after I woke up.

In the stealth Witch's hospital

"Hi baby girl did you miss me?" I ask Juniper who is rubbing her face on mine.

I look around and see my pups all piled on me except for Rosemary, but a quick glance tells me Raven has her.

"Hello my loves, what did I miss when I was sleeping?" I ask smiling.

"Well, Isla went into labor and had a baby girl, both momma and baby are doing good..." Jackie starts and I smile at her.

"Hey sweetie how are you?" I ask her.

"So glad you're ok?" She says starting to cry, she comes to me and leans her forehead on my head.

"Me too I'm so glad we are all ok, but what about everyone else?" I ask starting to worry about all the others.

"For now just relax and recover babe, I'll tell you later," Raven says leaning down and kissing me.

"We're so glad you're ok Luna," Jenny says making me turn to her and her mate, they have been quietly observing our exchange till now.

"Thankyou, I'm glad to see you both appear to be in good health as well." I say then attempt to sit up causing everyone to jump forward at me.

"What?!" I ask alarmed and my pups hold me tightly not wanting to let go.

"It's ok we just wanted to help, sorry babe," Raven says handing me Rosemary while he sits behind me.

Once I'm boosted and my pups are laying on me lined up like double stacked dominoes, Jackie continues with how my babies helped to keep the other pups there calm and entertained.

"Yeah Rosemary made lavender, and Jackson made faces it was very entertaining, right Justin?" She bounced my nephew who laughs.

"At one point Juniper would go and hug the pups close to her who looked cold, and Azure was floating around flower petals. They were amazingly calm as well," she says smiling.

I couldn't be happier or more proud of my children, "you wanna hear something amazing?" I ask and Jackie nods so I tell her how Falcon, my UNBORN pup protected his father and I.

To say everyone was shocked was an understatement. "Holy cow... it's going to suck disciplining them," Jackie says laughing and I roll my eyes because I've had the same thoughts.

"When can we go home? I want to check on everyone and I feel that we've had many losses and I feel like there's something wrong that you're not telling me. I understand that you want to shield me but it's making me anxious," I say looking at Raven.

Sighing he nods to Jenny and she goes to ask the healers if we can go home.

When she returns she has the head healer with her who bows to me, "Luna thankyou for saving our world, my name is Zoe and I will check you over really quickly. Everyone else please step outside a moment."

All but Raven and our pups comply with her instructions. "Please step out Alpha," she asks and I can tell it's involuntary but Rave is beginning to growl at her.

"Can they please stay? All of this has been hard on my family, and his wolf won't allow him to leave even if he wanted to which he doesn't." I ask calmly while running my fingers through Raven's hair soothing him.

"Very well, I ment no disrespect I just think a check up would go faster with the room empty that's all." She says beginning her tests. Once she's satisfied she removes the equipment from me and even checks Raven again. "You're both free to head home, all three of you are in excellent condition and your adorable pups look sleepy," she smiles at them.

"Thankyou for all you've done Zoe," I say with sincerity and she bows again before leaving.

With our clean bills of health we are joined by the others and we make our way back to the pack house.

I don't remember falling asleep but when I woke up I was in our bed in our room at the pack house. Stretching I let out a yawn and reach for Raven.

His side is empty and I jolt out of bed only to relax as he comes out of the bathroom in some sweats.

"Hey what's wrong?" He asks, he must have felt my moment of panic.

"Nothing it's just you weren't next to me and..." he kisses me, I didn't even realize that he crossed the room but I'm glad he did.

My lips move n'sync with his, I open up to him and he deepens our kiss while one of his hands tangles into my hair while the other pulls me by the waist closer to him.

Our moment is broken by the knocking on the door, "Son stop hogging Scarlett to yourself already! I made breakfast and it's going to get cold!" Martha yells and I can't help the giggles that leave me as Raven buries his face in my chest groaning about how frustrated he is and just wants a moment to be alone with me.

Truth be told he doesn't know the meaning of the word, he would keep me pregnant forever if he could, especially with his "moments."

But unfortunately for my dear mate, Martha said the magic words "I made food!" Right on queue my stomach growls insanely loud.

"Babe, we're so hungry!" I whined hoping that this will get his ass in gear so I can eat.

"Alright, I know how much you love your food! Let's go eat," he smiles helping me up out of bed.

Looking down I see I'm in one of Rave's shirts and some of my favorite shorts. I don't even bother to change, I'm hungry and pregnant, FOOD BEFORE FASHION! Is my philosophy, on the way down I peek in the nursery to find it empty, noticing my look Martha says that they are in the dining room with Jackie and Leon.

As soon as we're close I hear our pups laughing with Justin, warming my heart and calming me all at once.

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