Chapter Forty two

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It has gotten quite noisy down stairs, and my anxiety has gone up, I have begun pacing around the bed. Luckily my pups are asleep once again.

Kohaku- dude if you don't stop with that shit you're going to wake them up!

I know but I can't just sit here something has happened and it was bad enough that the other Alphas are here.

Kohaku- mate said he will tell us when he can, have faith

I do have faith in them but I don't want him to face this alone, even if it's just letting him smell my scent and being next to him to calm him, it's better than having to wait.

Letting out a breath if frustration, I decide to start meditating, at least I will feel like I'm doing something.

Raven doesn't come to bed till very late that night or should I say early the next morning. When he does I can feel his exhaustion radiating off him. He strips down to his boxers and instead of going to his side of the bed he slides in behind me. Holding me close he breathes in my scent deeply, cuddling me.

Instead of asking the multitude of questions flying around my brain I decide to leave it till he's rested. "I love you Raven," is all I say instead.

"I love you too Scarlett, I sware I will do all I can to keep you and our family safe," he says holding me closer if that's even possible.

Turning on my back so that I can see him I cup his face, "we'll protect each other."
I give him what was ment to be just a sweet chaste kiss but he deepens it.
Careful not to wake our sleeping infants, he undresses me and shows me how much he loves he with our bodies.
So much for abstaining, not that I really mind.

My week is officially over and it's time to get back to work. It's surprisingly very hard to leave my pups in the care of others, right now they are being watched by Martha, who is just beside herself with joy at being a Nana.

"You need to focus!" Sabrina yells at me again.

I don't blame her I zapped myself three times already. How I don't even know, but I am legit holding what looks like lightning in my hands.

"Remember it's no different from the target practice from before," she says in a gentler tone.

"Ok focus," I chant, she right though I've got to keep my head in the game.
Visualizing what I want I send a huge ass bolt of lightning into my target destroying it.

"I did it!" I jump excitedly, I've been out here all day working quickly to compensate for the time I missed.

"Yes you did but we're not finished training so don't get lax in your focus, come on there is more to do." It seems that with the coming battles ahead looming ever closer, the happy go lucky Sabrina is gone. In her place is a drill sergeant shouting orders, ok that's probably a huge stretch but the point is she's hardened, what ever happened the other day was bad enough to make her this way.

I still don't know the details but it was bad enough to put Isla in the hospital and give her and her mate terrible nightmares. Raven had only said that he would tell me tonight, he had gotten called into another meeting soon after waking up.

Shaking my head I focus on the task at hand before I either zap myself or Sabrina yells at me. The rest can wait for now.

Raven's POV

Last night I was so tired but once Scar was in my arms I found the energy to make love to my mate. I know we were supposed to wait but I couldn't, I needed her warmth and love after the atrocities I had heard earlier. I needed to feel the comfort she gives me, she didn't seem to mind either. In fact she held me close like she didn't want any space between us. Keeping as quiet as possible we made love till the sun came up. Then exhaustion took over and we slept in each others arms. I only got about four and a half hours of sleep before I had to get back to work, but I felt refreshed and recharged when I got out of bed to take a shower. Before leaving I kissed each of my pups, and then kissed my mate breathless, her eyes were a bit unfocused when we pulled apart then she kissed me again.
I sware when we have time I'm going to put another baby in that womb of her's.

Right now though I need to focus on this meeting.

"I hate to even suggest this but I think we have a leak," Alpha Sally says.

"Why do you think that Alpha Sally?" One of the others asks.

"How else was he able to slip in and out unnoticed to leave the remains somewhere he had to know his daughter would find them?!" Sally says making his point.

"Fuck" I say leaning on the table trying to think.

"Could his dark witches have helped him?" Yen asks next to me. "I'm not saying that your point is invalid Alpha Sally, but could it be a ploy to make us doubt each other and start fighting within?"

Yen also makes a valid argument, Goddess please give us guidance here in our hour of need, not that this will be our only moment I think frustrated.

"Come to think of it when I got to Isla there were no other scents but ours," Mick speaks up and we all turn to him. "Even the corpses didn't give off much of an odor, how is that possible?"

"I think we have our answer, his dark witches can mask scents," Dev says unpleased like the rest of us.

"Shit just got harder boys," I say with a scowl on my face, fuck another thing to worry about.

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