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"I think it died down now," I commented to Itachi who let go of my waist. I stepped away from him and leapt towards the rubble where the chaos had ensued.

I carefully stepped over the rocks and made my way to a crater where I found Naruto standing and staring up ahead.

On top of a tori, defeatedly lay the black haired Naruto with the masked man that looked like a hologram hovering over him.

"All that's left is to take you down," said Naruto to the masked man.

"It seems you're still unaware of the situation you're in," chuckled the masked man before he merged himself with Menma's body.

In a second, Menma was back up on his feet with the masked man now in control of his body.

"The Nine Tails and Eleven Tails shall be mine!" He leapt down and ran towards us at full speed with the red moon rising to the sky behind him.

"Naruto, you have the scroll right?" I hastily asked and he nodded his head as he pulled the scroll out from within his cloak.

"Wait, Nine Tails said not to look into Madara's eyes," suddenly said Naruto who kept his eyes peeled on the ground.

"Open the scroll while I distract him, but quick! He's coming closer!"

I kept my eyes focused on his feet and slightly lifted my eyes towards his exposed chest and saw a kunai in his left hand.

I pulled out my dagger and kept it in front of me as my eyes were locked onto his movements. I swung my dagger at him when he was within reach but he backed away and leapt to the left where I grabbed onto his arm and kicked him away from Naruto.

The masked man was back up on his feet and charged at me once more. He attempted to throw a punch at him, but I blocked it with the palm of my hand and tightly clutched his fist.

He placed his hand on top of my head and grabbed the back of my (h/c) hair and pulled on it to lift my head up, but I closed my eyes and attempted to lower my head.

"Everything will be over in a second if you open your eyes. You'll be able to see your dead loved ones," he darkly chuckled.

"Fuck off," I gritted my teeth and grabbed ahold of his hair and threw him to the side, but as he tumbled to the ground, he threw the kunai he had and it cut right through the scroll that was in Naruto's hands.

Naruto instinctively looked in the direction the kunai came from and his eyes locked with the Sharingan.

Naruto faltered in his steps with his eyes going dull and losing its pupils. He slumped onto his knees and fell face forward on the ground.

"Naruto!" I called out but there was no response from him. A red bubbling chakra began to envelope his body and he was slowly being lifted up the by it.

"I wiped his memory and he can't move right now," spoke the masked man who got up on his feet with a sinister smile on his lips. "You're next, (Y/n)."

"That's not going to happen!" Shouted Sakura from above air who brought her leg down, but the masked ma leapt away and avoided being pummeled underground.

The red chakra disappeared around Naruto's body and he fell to the floor once more with lifeless eyes staring at us.

I ran on over to where he lay and knelt down as I shook his body with my hands. "Hey Naruto... please answer me."

His eyes traveled to mine, but he couldn't hear anything I said and simply looked behind me to see Sakura fighting against the masked man.

"Don't be scared Eleven Tails! Come here and fight!" He shouted mid air and threw a barrage of shurikens my way.

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