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"What's up with you? You're out here living like a homeless man," I said to Naruto who was currently sitting on a bench with his jacket draped over his shoulders and had empty box trays with scraps of food in them right next to him.

"I was kicked out of my own house! Some old woman lives there!" He exclaimed and slouched his shoulders in defeat. "I shouldn't have gone. My parents being here...it was too good to be true..."

"Hey...I'm sure they're here," I pushed aside the empty box trays and sat myself down next to him. "I'm sure they'll appear soon. I haven't properly seen mine either, so whose to say they're actually here."

He sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder as he stayed quiet and closed his eyes. I allowed him to remain there for quite some time since he had an uncomfortable night and probably didn't get much sleep.

Footsteps were heard from a distance and they were slowly coming closer. I turned my head to see Ino politely declining something from Sasuke whom I had parted ways with earlier. And that something was a rose.

I raised a brow at this since he had given me a rose yesterday and here he was trying to give one to another girl.

Ino had turned around and her face lit up as she saw Naruto and I seated together.

"Ah, (Y/n)! Menma!" She lightly jogged over to us with Sasuke walking right behind. Naruto had awaken and seated himself upright while rubbing his eyes.

"Oh it's you guys," bluntly said Naruto as he opened one eye and blinked away the colorful swirls from rubbing both his eyes too hard.

Sasuke stood right in front of me and extended another rose out to me. More specifically, the rose that had been rejected by Ino. I eyed the rose in his hand before looking back up at him with a brow raised.

"Do I look stupid to you?"

"Not entirely," replied Sasuke with a shrug of his shoulders and my eyes widened for a second before they hardened. An irk mark appeared on my forehead and I gritted my teeth at him.

"Listen here you little-" but I was cut off when loud squeals were heard and they were growing louder by the second.


A horde of girls came rushing towards him and encircled him as they began to gush over him and admire his appearance. Rather than pushing them away or ignoring them like the Sasuke we know, he placed his arms either over the girls' shoulders or waists and pulled them in close to him which left Naruto and I baffled.

"He's..." trailed off Naruto.

"A fuckboy," I finished off and Ino gasped.

"(Y-Y/n)! Language!" She lightly scolded and I rolled my eyes and sighed at her innocent behavior. The old Ino wouldn't care about such language. Hell, she would join in and say something as well.

"Sorry I mean he's a player. A womanizer. A flirt! There! Is that better?" I huffed and stood up from my seat and made my way through the group of girls who gave me dirty looks.

'The nerve of this guy.' I mean who the hell did he think he was? What kind of guy asks someone out then goes around to flirt with other girls while waiting for the one he likes to respond.

A laugh escaped Sasuke's lips as the girls swooned over him and placed their heads against his chest with a dreamy expression on their faces.

His eyes flickered to my (e/c) eyes and his face lit up as he saw me coming closer, but his lips fell downward as he saw the unpleasant expression on my face.

"And you expect me to say yes to you when you're like this?" I jabbed a finger at his chest which caused the girls to remove their heads from his chest. He removed his arms from the girls' and reached both his hands out to me and held my hand in his.

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