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"Great, the masked man brought backup," exasperatedly sighed Naruto as he prepared his kunai.

"Stop. We came here at the Hokage's request," answered Itachi.

'So they're not bad guys here...'

"We're here to back you up so that you can fight the masked man," spoke Deidara and all of the Akatsuki members jumped off the bridge and individually took on one of the nine masked beasts.

Naruto and I slipped through the fighting and a kunai was thrown near Naruto's face which caught his attention and looked to the left.

The masked man stared at us for a second before he turned around and ran away. We followed after him up a long flight of stairs that led to a building and once we made it inside, we found ourselves in a dark training hall filled with gears.

Naruto and I slowly walked in and the door closed shut behind us and we immediately turned around, but no one was there. We cautiously turned forward and darted our eyes everywhere until movement was seen from above us and we whirled around and placed our arms in front of us to block the incoming kick.

We skidded back, but I leapt towards the masked man and formed a fist, but I quickly ducked and allowed Naruto, who was right behind me, to punch him right in the face.

The masked man fell to the ground and instantly got back up on his feet. "You really do make me sick."

A purple orb of chakra with a ring around it formed at the palm of his hand that gradually grew in size while Naruto was making a Rasenshuriken.

'I need to get out of here!'

I leapt away from the scene before their jutsus collided and made it out the building and once I did, the explosion erupted and I was sent flying forward.

I slid across the ground and the area was covered in debris. I let out a cough and with my hand, waved off the debris that surrounded me.

I got up from the ground and dusted my clothes and saw the rubble that filled the area. I started to walk back where the building once was and had to jump over some of the rubble that lay scattered over the ground.

As I continued walking, I could see a patch of blonde and black hair. The blonde was on the ground while the other remained standing and I jogged on over to my teammate.

I stopped in front of him and knelt down and asked, "Hey, are you okay?"

He nodded his head as he looked onwards and a voice that was similar to Naruto's voice spoke up, "I'm hurt you're that you're not asking about me."

I twisted my body and looked over behind me and gasped as I saw someone similar to Naruto. Only this person had red eyes and jet black hair.

"Wait, so then you're... Menma?" I pointed at him and he grinned.

"Of course, my dear."

"I can't believe there was another me in this world," groaned Naruto who shakily lifted himself up.

"That's why I can't stand it! It gives me goosebumps knowing that you simply exist! I'm going to erase you!" Spat Menma.

On cue, multiple red streams of chakra hit Menma and absorbed itself into him. Menma chuckled once it stopped and let out a roar as an explosion occurred and blurred our vision.

Naruto and I took a few steps back and as the smoke started to clear up, another version of the nine tailed fox was standing before us with Menma standing on top of its head.

"N-No way..." I mumbled as they stared down at us. A growl escaped the fox's mouth bearing its sharp teeth.

The fox brought its head towards us and attempted to grab us but Naruto and I leapt back and he followed after Naruto.

Naruto ran off, luring him away from everyone, but I chased them down into a secluded cave with water at the bottom.

I stood at the new entrance that was created and saw a thousand shadow clones in the air with a Rasengan in hand. But they were blown back when the nine tails roared.

All the shadow clones disappeared while Naruto fell underwater. I jumped off the cliff and landed on the water.

"Hey! Menma! Kyubi!" I yelled and they turned their heads in my directions.

Menma's eyes widened when he saw my Mangekyo Sharingan ablaze and directly staring into his eyes.

"Gotcha," I smirked as Menma slumped to his knees and fell right under a genjutsu.

'Now all who's left is...' my eyes traveled to the eyes of the nine tails. "Stay still. You're gonna be under my control for now."

His red eyes spiraled into a Sharingan and he slumped on the water.

I'm the one in control now.

Ripples appeared in the surface of the water and coming out from underneath, were Naruto and Kurama making their appearance.

"Now that you're here, whip out your strongest jutsu and charge at him before I undo the genjutsu."

Naruto and Kurama did as told while I leapt towards the entrance and once I saw their attack inches away, I released the genjutsu and they were blasted away by surprise.

Now it was time for me to get out of here before I get caught in the crossfire.

I exited in the cave and could hear the booming sounds of blasts being shot with the ground rumbling.

I quickly ran off in the direction the others had evacuated.

Beams of light broke through the surface and the blasts were appearing from left to right. I increased the pace as I could feel one blast right behind me.

I stumbled on my feet but someone swept me off my feet and I saw Itachi's face mere inches away from mine.

"Oh Itachi... thank you."

"Of course."

He took me away to a nearby tree and set me down as we waited for the blasts to die down.

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