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We started running out of the playground when we saw Kiba, Shino, Hinata and Akamaru walking right past it and they seemed to have noticed us. But from up close, they looked....different. Hinata wore clothes that were more revealing and Kiba had different marks on his cheeks rather than his usual one while Shino...well he looked the same to me.

"Oh good, you guys are here!" Naruto skidded to a halt right in front of them and we stopped alongside him. "Madara was here!"

All three of their faces became puzzled and they looked at like we were crazy.

"What's a Madara? And...who's the new girl?" He ended as he pointed a finger at me.

"Huh? Me?" I pointed at myself and be nodded his head. "Kiba, you know me! Don't act stupid!"

"But we don't-ARGG!" He screamed and we saw Akamaru had bitten him from behind. Akamaru had ripped some of his pants off and left off running in hostility.

"So what are you three doing out here?" I hope one of you weren't on a date," eyed Hinata and I gulped as I realized I would have to break the news to her which would ultimately crush her heart. But it's Hinata we're taking about. I'm sure she would understand. I mean, she wouldn't even hurt a fly.

"Oh well um...you see... Naruto and I were actually on a date earlier...." I sheepishly said as I rubbed the nape of my neck while my cheeks started to flare up. Next to me, Naruto's whiskered cheeks were heating up as well as he confirmed it.

Hinata didn't seem surprised, but the look in her eyes were deadly as she glared at me. She walked right up to me and leaned her head near my ear and whispered, "I don't know who the hell you are, but...stay away from him or I'll kill you."

Her sharp words sent a chill down my spine and my face paled. This wasn't the innocent Hinata that I knew.

"W-What? Not you too, Hinata," I stumbled back and I noticed her Byakugan was on and she immediately went into a fighting stance.

"H-hey, what are you doing?! I'm not trying to fight you!" I loudly shouted and she shouted right back at with her fists ready, "What were you two up to?! Spill it!"

Naruto had stepped in between the two of us and pushed her away from me, but that only riled her up as she grabbed the collar of his jacket.

"Why are you defending her?! She's completely new to us! Have you been hiding her all this time?!" She was furious and Naruto averted his eyes away from her and looked over in my direction for help.

"Incidentally, a male and female together alone at night implies that they could've done more than just a date, possibly sexual-"

"Shino!" I cut him off from finishing what he was about to say and I was now embarrassed all while Hinata narrowed her eyes at me. If looks could kill then I would've been long gone the moment she laid eyes on me. I could tell that she wanted me dead this very second.

"Hey, I think we should..." trailed off Naruto and I knew that he wanted us to make a run for it.

"Y-yeah..." I slowly shuffled my feet and motioned for Sakura to follow before we went into a full-blown sprint. Naruto had disappeared from Hinata's grasp and led us down the road.

"HEY, STOP!" Screamed Hinata as she ran after us, but the gap between us was slowly growing wider as we picked up the pace.

The three of us headed into an alley and we maneuvered our way through the crates and items that were in our path and dropped some of them to slow her down if she came.

We ran out of the alley and were now standing in the middle of the lighted street with various shops that were open.

"Man, what was that all about? Were they always like that?" Asked Naruto and I shook my head.

"What do mean were they always like that, of course not!"

"And it's weird how they didn't know who (Y/n) was..." commented Sakura.

"Right! How could they suddenly forget about me! All of this is weird!" I exclaimed as I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.

"Come on, Choji!"

My ears perked and I instantly looked to my left and saw the Ino-Shika-Cho trio walking down the road. We could overhear Choji and Shikamaru talking about BBQ and the cost of it, but Shikamaru wasn't able to do simple math which was weird since he was the smartest one out of all of us.

I was baffled when I saw Choji who was slimmer and Ino who was dressed in a less exposing manner. She shyly intervened when her two teammates started to argue, but that's when she took notice of us.

"Ah Sakura!" She jogged over to Sakura with such grace and politely asked, "Would you like to come join us? Surely it would taste better if we all ate together. Ah and you can even invite your friend!" She leaned towards me with excitement dazzling in her eyes and asked, "Would you like to join?"

She clasped her hands together and waited for my response as I glanced at Naruto and Sakura who pulled me towards them.

"Ever since Madara disappeared, everyone has been acting so differently," whispered Sakura and Naruto nodded in agreement.

"You don't think he altered their memories or something, right?" I quietly whispered back and they shrugged their shoulders while I cleared my throat and faced Ino.

"Um Ino...do you really not know me?" I asked and she shook her head as I glanced over at Shikamaru and Choji who remained quiet and gave me a strange look.

"Sorry, but are we suppose to know you?" Bluntly said Shikamaru as he appeared dumbfounded before Choji stepped in.

"We've seen you around before, but you can't expect us to personally know you when you've never spoken to us."

"W-what?" I stuttered as I took a step back. This couldn't be happening. Why is this happening?

"May I ask who you are?" Asked Ino, but Naruto had enough of all of this and stepped in.

"I don't know why you guys are acting like you don't know her when we've all been friends for years!" Exclaimed Naruto.

"Is everything okay? You two have been acting weird?" Questioned Ino as she glanced between Naruto and Sakura.

"The only weird ones here-" Naruto placed a hand on Sakura's shoulder and she immediately stopped talking once she saw that they really had no clue as to who I was.

"Sakura, you're the heroes daughter. You've got to remain calm and set a good example for her," said Choji as he patted Sakura's shoulder.


With his finger, he pointed at the Great Stone Faces and rather than Naruto's father, the face that was carved was Sakura's father.

"What...the hell?" Muttered Naruto as he stared at the statue in disbelief.

"Great, what's next?" I huffed out since this was all so bizarre. I was trying to wrap my head around all of this and I knew it was connected to Madara.

"What's with the commotion?"

My body froze as I recognized that familiar voice and I whipped my head around and saw someone who I didn't expect to see.


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