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The village was in ruins once we woke up and I woke up with my parents by side. My mother engulfed me in a tight embrace right when I opened my eyes and as I let her hold me, my (e/c) eyes wandered and I saw that Naruto was in the same position.

"Oh thank goodness you're okay!" Muffled my mother through the embrace and I pulled myself away from her. There was no sight of the enemy nor our pink haired friend.

"Where's Sakura?" Asked Naruto as he stood up.

"We must recover and wait for a time to strike back. We still have the scroll," answered Minato.

"What do you mean?! We have to go rescue her!"

"We can't, Menma! We're not heroes like that. We can't risk our lives for strangers," sternly responded back Minato and chills ran down my spine.

'Have they found us out?'

"He's right, we may be ninja but we're also human beings. We can't let our children get hurt," spoke my father as he placed a firm grip on my shoulder.

A vivid image of their blood stained bodies crossed my mind which only served to remind me of what they had done for me. They sacrificed themselves for me.

Their only child

And here I am with an illusion of them.

As much as I want this life... it's not real

Naruto too realized this and it pained him like it did me. I stood up from the ground and removed my father's hand.

"We have to go," I said to Naruto but our parents yelled out, "NO!"

A sad smile appeared on my face as I stared at my fake parents and said, "I'm not really your daughter. I'm not even from world! Neither of us!"

"My name isn't Menma. We're sorry we lied to you."

"What's this all of a sudden?" Asked Kushina as she stared at us.

"My real dad is the Fourth Hokage and my mom was the Kyubi Jinchuriki. They protected me and the village with their lives."

"And you two were still the same before you guys got killed. Father, you were still head of the clan and mother was still a ninja, but you two also died to protect me! And all because I was a Jinchuriki! Your deaths are engraved in my head! It pained me so much to see you guys die and to see you in the flesh once more."

I turned away from them and grabbed ahold of a green satchel that Sakura had apparently left behind. I tossed it towards Naruto and from within it, he pulled out a white cloak with the words Fourth Hokage on the back. He slipped the cloak on and from there we left behind our pleading parents.


"We've finally found you, Madara!" Naruto and I skidded to a halt on top of a bridge and standing not too far from was us was the masked man who had Sakura tied up. "We'll kick your ass and go back to the real world!"

"I'm afraid I'm not the one you'll be up against," said the masked man.

In a flash, the other masked man appeared right beside us and swung a kunai at us, but we jumped back and landed below ground on the surface of the water.

"Kindly hand over the Tome of the Vermillion Moon."

"No way! Release Sakura first!" Shouted Naruto.

The masked man stayed quiet for a second before responding, "Then I'll just kill you and take it myself. I was going to kill you anyway. Something about you feels wrong. I can't let you live. You make me feel sick."

Beside me, Naruto clutched his stomach for a second and I asked, "What's wrong?"

"There's this horrible feeling in my stomach."

"Will you be able to fight?"

"This won't stop me!" He earnestly exclaimed.

After hearing that, the masked man jumped off the bridge and twirled around with his leg raised. Naruto jumped right towards him with me following behind, but Naruto grunted and faltered midair and was kicked away.

I quickly glanced at him before looking back at the masked man and grabbed ahold of his ankle and threw him down to the water. I landed right above him and was about to remove the kunai from his hand until he grabbed my wrist.

"(Y/n)," he softly murmured. "Why must you fight against me? This isn't the way it was suppose to go!"

"This is the only way it's suppose to go! Nothing more nothing less! I don't even know you!"

"As much as I like you.... you have something that I want," said the masked man as he extended his hand out to my eyes, but I smacked his hand away. "Even if I want it, I can't take that away from you."

"You want my power, right? That's what you're known for."

"Not only that, but also..." rather than reaching his hand out, he pointed a finger at my chest. "You."

My eyes widened for a second before I slowly reached my hand out towards his mask. "Wait a minute... don't tell me you're..." but he stopped me from removing his masked and kicked me away to his left.

He got up and not a second later, the Nine masked beasts appeared from within a seal that appeared above him.

All nine of them were going towards Naruto while the masked man came my way, but wire was wrapped around my body and pulled me back up on the bridge.

The wire undid itself and I came face to face with a certain Uchiha.


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