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Sakura was currently healing Kushina's ankle while I remained leaning against a tree eavesdropping in on the father-son conversation that was going on nearby.

"I don't need you to worry about me! So quit it already! I never asked her to jump in! If I was alone, then the attack wouldn't have hurt anyone!" As Naruto shouted those last few words, a slap was heard and I peeked my head out from the bamboo tree to see Naruto stunned by the fading red mark he had received from his father.

"That'll never happen. We want to protect you every second of every day. Our bodies move on our own whether it makes sense or not. That's what it means to be a parent."

"Why? Why do you have to say stuff like that?"

"Is there something strange about it?" Pondered Minato as he placed his hand under his chin.

"That's not what I'm saying! Why..." trailed off Naruto until Minato placed a hand on his son's shoulder and came down to his level.

"Don't put yourself in unnecessary danger next time. Kushina and I had a little talk before we set out. We want to submit a Jonin application for you once this mission is over."

Naruto was taken aback and a figure with red hair staggered past me and she called out, "Menma!"

"Ah Kushina, you should sit down and rest!" I hurriedly walked over to her and she used me to support herself.

"Oh Kushina! I've uh already taught him the error of his ways!" Nervously exclaimed Minato.

"You're a real headache!" Kushina let go of me and ran towards Naruto who flinched as he expected to get a beating but instead was enveloped in a warm embrace.

"I'm so glad you didn't get hurt." Choked back Kushina with tearful eyes.

We stood there watching as Naruto lifted his arms behind Kushina's back and hesitantly kept them there as he contemplated returning the embrace. He slowly began to wrap his arms around her and tightened the embrace between them as he soaked in his mother's affection.

"Now that's a loving family," commented Kakashi while I nodded in agreement as I smiled in delight at the scene.

He was beginning to understand the love of a family.

He now understood what I meant when I said to enjoy what you have while it last.

None of us dared to interrupt their little moment, but a pair of emerald eyes watched the scene with a thin line forming on her lips.


"Jiraiya will be able to rest in peace now," said Lady Tsunade as we handed over a rectangular wooden box to her.

Kakashi exuberantly said that we should prepare a team to go after the masked man, but Lady Tsunade turned down his idea.

"We need to wait a little first. The prophecy has another part. The Tome will be opened when the moon in the heavens takes on a vermillion hue. Until that time, it will be kept under heavy guard."

We all understood the conditions of it and were dismissed.

I walked out with Naruto and Sakura right beside me and noticed that the sun was about to set. I had to hurry up and get ready back home for later.

"Ah, I have to get going now," I said to them as I began to jog ahead.

"Where are you going?" Asked Sakura.

I looked over my shoulder and loudly said, "Home!"

They watched my retreating figure but not long after that, Naruto had also left in a hurry.

~One Hour Later~

My parents and I stood outside the Namikaze and Uzumaki's home and coming down on the other side of the path were the Uchihas.

"What great timing," I muttered as I met Sasuke's eyes and he instantly gave me a charming smile that I ignored.

"Such perfect timing!" Exclaimed Mikoto as she walked over to my mother and embraced her for a second before letting go.

My father and Fugaku ended up talking leaving me alone with Sasuke.

"You're still as beautiful as ever (Y/n)," he warmly said as he cupped my chin and pulled out a bouquet of roses that he kept hidden behind his back.

"Oh more roses..." I distastefully said while eyeing their beauty as I remembered what happened last time he tried giving me one. An idea popped into mind and I tried my best to prevent a devilish smirk from appearing on my lips.

"Well thank you Sasuke," I kindly said in a fake gone of voice with a fake smile plastered on my lips and as I turned around to walk up the stairs, I pretended to stumble on my feet and dropped the roses on the stairs and crushed them under my feet although making it seem like it was an accident.

He stared wide eyed and I placed a hand over my mouth as I stared at the crumpled flowers. "Oh no! I'm sorry Sasuke."

The glint in my eyes was evident and to the adults it seemed like a clumsy accident, but he knew better.

"No, it's okay."

I picked up the roses and handed them to him,
"There's no use for them now."

"Right..." muttered Sasuke.

"Why don't we get going inside? We don't want to keep them waiting," interrupted Mikoto.

We followed her lead and she knocked on the door and a second later, the door opened and on the opposite side was Minato.

"Glad you were all able to make it!" He stepped aside and allowed us to walk inside. There were a few decorations hanging around the dining and living room.

"I didn't know you were all coming!" Came out Kushina who wore a pink and white dress. Her lips widened at the sight of us and she hugged us all and immersed herself with my parents and the Uchihas.

"It came out pretty nice," I complimented them and Naruto stepped down from a wooden chair as he finished hanging up the last party decoration.

"They couldn't have done it without me," he boasted and I snorted which made him pout.

"Just go over there!" He playfully shoved me on ahead with the others and we gathered around the table with Kushina being the center of attention.

A large cake decorated with strawberries and numerous lit up candles were right in front of her.

"Then here I go!" Kushina inhaled a large deep breath and blew out the candles instantly, but the force and strength of her breath ended up blowing off the strawberries which made everyone one of us laugh.

Each one of us, but mainly Naruto and I savored this family moment. It was something we wouldn't be able to have in the other world, but... who said this had to end?

All of us being here together

This feels...


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