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"They're...alive..." mumbled Naruto in disbelief.

I made eye contact with my parents and I opened my mouth to say something, but no words came out. I closed my mouth shut and my (e/c) eyes soon became glossy which left my parents confused, but they were even more confused when I went up to them and engulfed them in a hug.

"You guys are...actually here..." I whispered to them and even if they were some fake parents in this false reality, I cared for them. They each placed a hand on my shoulder and lightly pushed me back with concerned eyes.

"Are you okay? We were only gone for a few days. Did you forget?" Questioned my mother.

'It's been years since you two have been gone.'

"It's understandable if she did. She's always busy with her training and duties as an heir," responded my father.

"Heir?" I raised my brow and my father furrowed his brows at me and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"(Y/n), I understand that boys may be on your mind right now, but don't let that cloud your thoughts. Focus on your duties. You're not old yet, so you shouldn't be forgetting things already," he sternly said and I averted my gaze from his now cold (e/c) eyes. He's still the same old same old. Sometimes he's loving and sometimes it's the complete opposite.

"Aw! What a nice reunion," enthusiastically said Naruto's mother, Kushina, who then roughly grabbed Naruto's ear and narrowed her eyes at him. Her red hair was wildly and fiercely flying around her which created an intimidating aura. "How come you didn't welcome us back like that? Is standing there acting all surprised really all we get after coming back from a mission?!"

"GAH!" Cried out Naruto and after a few seconds, she let go of his ear. His ear had gone red from the stinging pain and he began to clutch it to ease the burning pain. He for sure thought he almost lost his ear.

Sakura looked between Naruto and I and our parents before her eyes fell on Minato and she remembered the prior conversation. "Please continue with what you were saying earlier!"

"Before he died, Jiraiya Sensei said he had received a prophecy on Mount Myōboku. It said the masked man would be defeated with the Tome of the Vermilion Seal that Jiriaya Sensei brought back. The Great Toad Sage's prophecies are infallible. In order to follow the prophecy, he risked his life to obtain the Tome of the Vermillion Seal. However, he succumbed to his wounds and never made it back to the village."

'Poor Jiraiya Sensei...he risked his life twice for the village now.'

"So where is the Tome now?"

"It's probably hidden near the border of Kusa," spoke Lady Tsunade.

"So you managed to crack the code?" Asked Minato in delight.

"Yes. It took some time and effort, but..." Lady Tsunade's voice trailed off before she firmly looked at Minato and Kushina. "Wait for Kakashi and Gai to return from their mission, then set out with them to retrieve the Tome."

"Please let me go with them!" Shouted Naruto as he slammed his hand down on her desk.

"I'd like to go too!" I piped up. "If it's something Jiraiya Sensei risked his life for, then I'm in. We'll retrieve and protect what he died for!"

"Absolutely not," objected my father and I turned around to face him with wide eyes.

"Oh? And why not?"

"There's no need for you to go and get involved in this. Lady Tsunade specifically told Minato and Kushina. Not you."


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