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We had ordered our ramen and we were now seated and Naruto had seated himself next to Iruka Sensei. "Iruka Sensei. Listen...uh...could you submit a Jonin application for me?"

'So that's what this is about.'

"All my friends are having their parents complete one for them and well...I..."

"Are you here to ask me that too, (Y/n)?" Asked Iruka Sensei and I shook my head.

"It didn't cross my mind to ask you. But if Naruto is asking and gets one then might as well shoot my shot."

He sighed and firmly said, "No, I refuse."

The hope that Naruto once had was crushed. "Why not?"

"That step comes after you become a chunin. Just because you saved the village from Pain and are known as heroes of the Hidden Leaf Village doesn't mean I can give special treatment."

Naruto placed his hand under his chin as he began to sulk.

"It's not our fault we were gone for nearly three years busting our ass to not die and get captured by the Akatsuki," I sharply pointed out.

"Your father moved up in the ranks," he commented before directing his attention to Naruto. "Even your dad, the Fourth Hokage worked up through genin, chunin, and Jonin ranks to become Hokage and become a hero."

"And become a Great Stone Face," muttered Naruto as he turned his head away from Iruka Sensei. "The thing is...a statue can't welcome you home."

"Nor the sky," I chimed in referring to my parents.

"That's how I feel sometimes." Naruto placed both his arms on the countertop and slightly leaned forward. "I wish I could tell him to stop being a damn stone head and start being here when I come home..." he dropped his head and rested it on his arms. "Even your parents-"

"Snap out of it!" Chided Iruka Sensei as he slammed his hand on the table. "What's wrong with you two?"

"Nothing..." weakly mumbled Naruto.

"Bad day I guess..." I mumbled as our bowl of ramen were placed in front of us.

Naruto gazed over his ramen in disappointment and asked, "Hey old man, I'm not seeing any naruto sliced in here."

"Oh, we ran out. But I gave you a huge serving of menma to make up for it." Teuchi pointed over at the menu that was at the front and we glanced over and saw that they were indeed out.

Naruto being in a foul mood already raised his voice, "I hate menma! What's it made out of anyway? It's way too rough to chew!"

"Menma is made of fermented bamboo shoot which-"

"So it's rotten bamboo?" Naruto sharply cut Teuchi off and Iruka Sensei was having enough of Naruto's attitude and slammed his hand down once more.

"You're the rotten one here!" He grabbed Naruto's arms and I quickly stood up and separated them.

"Hey, now! No fighting in the shop, please!" Urged Teuchi.

"Ramen without naruto ain't ramen." Naruto dug through his pocket and slammed his money on the countertop.

"Let's go, (Y/n)." He walked out and Iruka Sensei called after him but Naruto didn't turn back. I apologized to them as I placed my money down and left after Naruto.

I caught up to him and matched his pace.

"What the hell is up with Iruka Sensei? It's the least he could've done for us," grumbled Naruto in annoyance and I agreed with him. After everything we've done, it's something he could've helped us with. We're already acknowledged and admired by people and we displayed our strength to the village. But maybe to others, it would be seen as a method of sucking up to people and cheating our way up.

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