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"W-What are you doing here?" I managed to say since I was stunned not only his presence, but with his appearance. He was dressed fashionably which was the polar opposite to what I've seen him wear.

"Yeah! What are you doing back in the village?!" Shouted Naruto with eyes wide.

"Something wrong with me being in my own village?" He questioned and we shook our heads.

"Well, no..." muttered Naruto as he blinked and rubbed his eyes to see whether he was actually seeing Sasuke or if it was merely an illusion.

"Are you okay? This isn't like you, Menma. You're usually pretty calm and composed unlike (Y/n)."

"Menma...?" Naruto looked around and pointed at himself and Sasuke nodded his head meaning that he was indeed referring to him.

"Forgot your own name or what?" He snickered until his onyx eyes landed on mine.

"Wait...you remember me?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I?" He smirked and sauntered over to me as he reached for something in his shirt. "I have something for you, (Y/n)."

He pulled out a rose and extended it out to me with a charming smile on his lips. My two teammates were surprised by his action and had affected Sakura who looked completely heartbroken at the sight of her crush handing over a rose to another girl. While Naruto had an irk mark on his forehead.

I warily glanced between the rose and him and asked, "Um, why are you giving me this?"

"It's a symbol of my love. I'm still waiting for your answer." Seeing that I haven't accepted the rose, he used on hand to grab my hand while he used the other to place the rose in my hand before closing it into a fist so I wouldn't drop it.

"What answer?"

"To go out with me. Menma and I both asked you out, but you haven't given either one of us an answer."

"Huh?!" I loudly exclaimed, but then covered my mouth as other people stared at me weirdly for my sudden outburst.

"Ha! We already went on a date!" Intervened Naruto as he wrapped his arm around my waist and Sasuke glanced at the two of us.

"Are you two dating now?"


"Then nothing is official. I still have a chance," he cupped my chin and slightly leaned his face towards mine and I suddenly became flustered. My mind whirled back to when he kissed me at the Final Valley and it only caused my cheeks to heat up even more than a second ago.

"Hey, she isn't yours!" Naruto slapped Sasuke's hand away from me and jabbed his finger at him all while holding onto me.

"Nor yours."

"Teme!" Naruto was heatedly glaring at Sasuke who remained unbothered by him.

The peacemaker cautiously made her way over to us and meekly said, "Why don't we all go to the bathhouses? We can all settle down there and ease the tension."

We all reluctantly agreed and invited everyone else to join us. This would be our chance to gather more information.

I was currently soaking myself in the steaming warm water relaxing my muscles with the rest of the girls. The atmosphere was amicable despite them not knowing me, well except for the fact that Hinata was constantly glaring at me.

"Ugh, why did I do this to myself?!" Complained Tenten as she rambled on about her training with weapons. It seemed like this version wasn't skilled with weapons.

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