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"So what's this urgent thing you needed to talk about?" Asked Naruto as he leaned his back against a wooden fence while I did the same. "We were kinda busy tonight."

Sakura had interrupted our family time and wanted us to meet her out here and was standing on the other side of the fence.

"I'm sure you guys were," she huffed.

"I mean, you know since we're waiting for "that day" anyways. We're just looking for ways to kill time and stuff," explained Naruto as to not make it seem like we were enjoying our time here.

"You guys really are happy in this world, aren't you?" Glumly asked our teammate and I sighed and decided to be honest with her before Naruto could deny it.

"Yeah we are. Everything we've ever wanted is here. Our parents are here and all those who I lost are here again so of course I'm going to be happy..."

This wasn't reality, but I really wanted it to be.

I want everything back.

I... I kinda want to stay here...

There was a heavy silence between us all and when I glanced over at Naruto, there was an internal conflict going on about the situation we were in.

I broke the silence that filled the air by asking her, "Have you finally realized what's it like to be alone?"

She gasped and remained silent on the other side feeling a sense of guilt gnaw inside her. Her silence was enough of an answer for me and I heard her shuffle her feet and she began to walk away and when I no longer heard her footsteps, Naruto and I began to walk away.

While we were walking back, an explosion was heard from far away and when we turned around, we could see the rising smoke. We ran in that direction with Sakura catching us up and were met with our parents and the Hokage enclosed in a purple barrier.

I threw my dagger at the man wearing a long black cloak, but it stopped right behind him before it could pierce him and it clattered to the ground. That person turned around and wore a white kitsune mask and had short, shaggy, spiky black hair.

"Stay away Menma! It's the masked man!" Shouted Minato.

"This guy looks nothing like the other Madara..." I trailed off which caught the masked man's attention.

"Madara? I see. So you're acquaintances of his?" He asked.

"You seem to know who he is, so where is he?" I harshly asked.

"I see no reason to tell you anything. And judging by your tone, your no friend of his."

"Then we'll have to beat it out of you!" Sakura was the first one to try and land a hit, but was taken down by a white tiger that knocked her to the ground.

"Don't bother. You're no threat to me," said the masked man to her.

"But I should be!" I was coming down mid air with shurikens engulfed in fire that I threw at him. He disappeared and reappeared behind me, but in a second my Sharingan was activated and I blocked his incoming fist. He tenderly grabbed my wrist and pulled me in closer, but I pulled my head away.

"It's a shame that we have to be like this," he inched his masked face closer to mine and whispered in my ear, "Have you given any thought to my question?"

"What question? What are you talking about?" I incredulously asked since I've never interacted with this person before.

"Me or him," was all he said before I saw a serpent  appear from the corner of my eye that tried wrapping itself around me, but I hid behind the masked man and pushed him towards it while I landed away from them.

There were nine animals or creatures surrounding me who wore the same white mask as the masked man.

'Who is this guy?'

Naruto landed next to me and asked, "How are you holding up?"

"Fine on my end, but these things are gonna be a bother," I pointed at the masked beasts.

"Something about you feels wrong," I heard the masked man say right behind us and forcefully pushed Naruto towards the masked beasts who all lunged towards him.

My eyes changed into my Rinnegan and I pulled Naruto right back to me.

"I never knew you had that," lowly spoke the masked man right behind me as I clutched onto Naruto. "It'll further add to the collection I have."

I held my hand up to him and mumbled, "Almighty Push."

He was sent skidding away from us while the masked beasts surrounded us but Minato stepped in and teleported us away from the beasts.

"I made sure to carve my seals into the Tome back when I retrieved it. If I have to, I'll use a kunai I left outside of the village to take it away," explained Minato.

"In that case I'll have you bring it to me." He motioned over to one of the beasts who held up Sakura. "Think of it as a trade for this girl's life."

One by one the masked beasts disappeared and the masked man held up the palm of his hand in front of him and a black mass of Chakra formed.

"Here's something to remember me," he said before ascending to the sky and dropping the mass of Chakra in the center of the village.

A white light formed and rumbling was heard. The sound of it was growing closer and closer with buildings being destroyed, but Naruto and I were brought down by Minato to take cover from the incoming attack that would eventually leave the village in an empty crater filled with rubble.

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