Chapter 49

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"Sehun~ah, you can't be here!" I scold him as he walks into the house, looking around at the workers. I cover his eyes quickly and lead him out of the house while I continue scolding him.

"I already told you you can't come until it's finished. You're going to ruin the surprise." I whine.

"I'm sorry, I just really wanted to see it. It's looking good." He smiles as I glare at him. "What?"

"You weren't supposed to see it! You weren't supposed to know if it looked good or not until it's finished."

"Welp, to late." He chuckles as I roll my eyes at him. "I'm sorry, Luhan hyung, I won't come again unless you ask me to." He says wrapping his arms around me.

The one moment I think he is actually sorry fades when I realize he is looking past me and at the house while he holds his arms around me. "Sehun, get out of here!" I say pushing him off me and force him to get into his car. "If I so much as see you driving past here one more time I'm going to punish you." I say, not realizing how inappropriate that actually sounds.

"Not like that." I add as he smirks devilishly at me.

"Mhm, I'll see you when you get home." He winks at me before backing out of the driveway.

I'll probably stay and work for another two or three hours before leaving as well. It has been a long, tiring, past two weeks and we still have a lot left to get done. Tomorrow the people who are replacing the tile and carpet are coming. We have to make sure everything is painted before they get here, so today has been the day where we make sure everything is painted and fix any accidents, like getting a different color on another wall or drips but there luckily weren't many.

Tomorrow I'm going to work on the front yard, unless I start can today before I leave. I'm going to loosen the soil before spreading grass seeds out on the lawn. Then I'm going to plant some rose bushes, flowers, and things like that to make it look nice like the rest of the houses.

I end up being able to finish up the backyard and still have about an hour of daylight left and decide to just get started on the front yard to save me some time tomorrow.

I find out the two of the four sprinklers in the front yard are broken and find out what type they are so I can get replacements before I go home tonight.

I start turning the dirt and leftover dead grass over before spreading the seeds out and water it.

The painters leave before I do and I walk through the rooms to make sure all the lights are off before I go for the night.

By the time I leave and have everything locked up and secure before heading to my car.

The beautiful night sky is being lit up by the bright white crescent shaped moon that hovers over the houses across from me. I sigh proudly to myself at all the work I got finished today, I'll probably be able to start boxing up the things we want to take soon depending on how long it will take to do the flooring.

I go to a hardware store and find the two sprinkler heads that I need and get an extra one just incase and look around a little. They have nice things here, they aren't things that I would necessarily need but they look like they could come in handy.

I force myself to leave the unnecessary items and go to one of the check out lines and wait to pay.

When I get to the car I find myself yawning constantly making my eyes tear up slightly and quickly rub them. I pull my phone out and find that it is already ten thirty, how did it get so late?

I turn the car on and yawn once more before backing out and driving home.

I wonder what Sehun made for dinner? Did he even make dinner or did he just heat some left over up and make Mae dinner? Ugh, I hope he made food, I'm starving, plus I need to take a shower as soon as I get home. I have dirt all over my clothes and it's probably in my hair.

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