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"Fuck it, I gotta piss." Lay says as he sneaks into someone's front yard to use their bush.

"Hurry your ass up! We're gonna get caught!" Xiumin silently yells at us.

"Kai! Stop humping me!" I laugh as I drop him off my back.

"Where are Chen and Kris?" Lay asks as we hurry out of the neighborhood.

"They said they'd meet us at this park up here." Xiumin says as we walk towards it.

Kai pulls me ahead of everyone and convinces me to get onto jungle gym with him as I roll my eyes. He pulls me up a shit load of stairs before finally making it to the top.

"Kai, it's to dark." I say as he tries to get to me slide down one of the tunnel slides.

"Don't be a pussy."

"You go first, your the kid." I say making him roll his eyes.

"Fine." He says as he sits down and disappears into the darkness of the slide.

"Luhan, your next!" He calls from the bottom I assume.

I hesitate before getting in and take my time going down because I can't see where I'm going.

"Finally!" He laughs as he grabs my legs and pulls me the rest of the way out.

"A beer for my deer." He smirks as he hands me a bottle.

"Stop calling me that." I groan as I open it.

I sit down at the base of the slide before I hear a yell from inside and a body hit my back.

"Hi, Luhan!" Chen chirps before he grabs my beer and drinks half of it then hands it back.

Another body hits Chen's before I hear them laughing.

"Hi, Chen!"

"Hello, Kris, fancy meeting you here." He laughs as he grabs my beer from me again and gives it to Kris.

"That's mine you know." I huff.

"Luhan! I didn't know you were here." Kris chuckles before another body hits the back.

"What are you guys doing?! I'm stuck in here!" Lay says making us laugh.

"Xiumin, come down this slide!" Chen yells up as I try and keep them in the slide.

"Lay!" Xiumin squeals before we hear him groaning and Lay laughing.

"What happened?"

"I put my fist up so when he came down I hit his balls!" Lay cackles making us laugh.

"Kai, go up there." I tell him and he nods before running up the stairs.

"Luhan, go up there too, you're not gonna be able to hold all of us." Chen says making me roll my eyes.

"Yes I am!"

"You're already slipping!" He says before pushing me out.

"Screw you!" I laugh as I hurry back up to the top.

I get in before somehow Kai gets on top of me, squishing me to the bottom of the slide.

"Kai!" I laugh as we slide down before stopping half way.

"Luhan, I, I think I'm stuck." He says softly before the two of us burst into laughter.

"Are you guys coming?" We hear them call.

"Um, no, we can't." I laugh.


"We're stuck, fucking, Kai, your squishing my dick." I squeal as I try to move around.

"Sorry." He says as he starts trying to move too.

He bends his legs up and tries to push up before he slips and knees the shit out of my dick.

"Kai!" I yell and I try to grab my crotch but I can move my arms.

"Let go of my ankle! You made me knee Luhan in the dick."

"My bad." I hear Xiumin say before Kai's knee moves off my crotch.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." I squeak, making him laugh.

"I would kiss it to make it feel better but I'm stuck." He shrugs making me chuckle as I move around before feeling someone fall on top of us.

"Whoops." Xiumin chuckles as I feel a cold liquid run down my back.

"Did you spill beer?" I whine as it soaks into my shirt.

"Yep, Chen pushed me." He chuckles as he moves around and tries to get back up but falls back on us.

"But that's okay, because I'm here to help." He chuckles and I immediately know he's drunk.

"Here, Lu, grab my hands." He says as he moves so his ass in on Kai's head making me laugh.

"Xiumin!" He groans making me chuckle as I try and wiggle around to loosen me up.

"I didn't know the slide got smaller as you got further down." Kai chuckles as he tries to lay flat on me and move back.

"You're an idiot." I laugh as I try to pull myself up with Xiumin's drunken help before he slips and almost puts his crotch in my face.

"Stop whining, I know you liked it." He chuckles as I tries to stand back up before he's pulled off me.

"Xiu?" I say as I look up and find him gone.

"Hi!" A deeper voice says as a pair of hands grab mine.

"Kris? What happened to Xiu?"

"He was to short, they're holding my legs." He chuckles as he tells them to pull him up.

After a lot of pulling and Kai putting his face in weird places I'm finally free from the slide.

I'm glad I'm not claustrophobic..

AN// So if anyone was wondering about how Lu and kai got stuck in a slide, here you go😂

We're getting to the end soon guys! I don't know what I'm gonna do when it's over😭 *write another book probably*

Still trying to think of ideas for a baekyeol one so if you have any ideas message me or comment?  (: -Meg

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