Chapter 2

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When I walk into the break room I see Chanyeol leaning against a wall talking to one as of the guys that works in development, I can't remember his name but Chanyeol seems to be flirting his heart out. I clear my throat as I walk in and go to the coffee machine making him quickly get off the wall and act natural.

"H-hey, Luhan." He smiles awkwardly as he rubs the back of his head.

"Hey, Chanyeol." I say looking over my shoulder at him and the shorter man who's face is bright red.

"How's it going?" He asks making me chuckle.

"Don't mind me, Chanyeol. You two get back to whatever you were doing." I tell them before leaving back to my desk.

I get my manuscript, thinking about what happened yesterday before slowly walking to Mr. Oh's office. Right as I lift my hand to knock on the door it swings open and I see my boss standing in front of me, god he's tall.

"Ah, Lu Han, just the man I was looking for." He says inviting me in.

"Oh, uh, I just came to give you this." I say handing him the papers.

"That was quick," he says flipping through the pages, scanning his eyes over them. "Good job. Anyways, I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night-"

"Sir, it's completely ok, I saw nothing if that's what you want me to sa-"

"No, actually that's not what I was going to say but that would be ideal for you to do. No, I was just going to say that I am not taken if you had been thinking that at all." He smiles before handing me another stack of manuscripts and walking back to his desk.

Wait, what?

"I need those done by the end of the week, that's all." He says as he walks back to his desk and sits down.

"Huh?" I say confused about that first part.

"I need those edited by the end of the wee-"

"No, the first part."

"I was just saying that I'm not taken if you thought that, you are a very attractive person, Luhan." He says looking up at me with a small half smile before looking back down and picking up a pen. "That's all." He says before waving his hand at me, signaling me to leave, and I quickly do.

What was that about? Was he hitting on me? Was my boss just hitting on me, out of everyone here, he was hitting on me?

I can't help the small smile that creeps onto my cheeks as I walk back to my desk and sit down. I look over and see Chanyeol sitting with the same stupid smile on his face as he looks down at his manuscript.

"Why so smiley?" I ask as I try to get mine to go away as best I can.

"Uh, I got a date tomorrow night." He grins.

"With who?"

"Uh, his name is Baekhyun, the one I was talking to in the break room."

"Ah." I say before turning and looking at my large stack of manuscripts. At least I have till the end of the week to finish them.

"Mr. Oh sure loves to make you work, doesn't he?" Chanyeol asks as he looks at the stack in front of me.

"Apparently, but I have till the end of the week to finish them." I shrug before he chuckles slightly at me. "What?"

"Today's Thursday, you better get started if you wanna finish all those by the end of tomorrow." He says making my eyes go wide as I look down at the stack of papers on my desk.

"Seriously!?" I groan, rubbing my eyes with my hands.

"Seriously." He chuckles before turning and getting back to his book.

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