What's With Watson

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

After solving that power plant incident with Team Aqua, our heroes arrive at Mauville City and heads to the pokemon center.

Ash trains and evolves Slakoth, Zigzagoon, Whismur, and Wingull into Vigoroth, Linoone, Loudred, and Pelipper and scans them all.

[Vigoroth, the Wild Monkey Pokemon and the evolved form of Slakoth.
Vigoroth is simply incapable of remaining still. Even when it tries to sleep, the blood in its veins grows agitated, compelling this Pokémon to run wild throughout the jungle before it can settle down.
This Vigoroth is level 35 with the new ability Vital Spirit and knows the moves Fury Swipes, Focus Energy, Reversal, Hone Claws, Yawn, Counter, Encore, Slack Off, Chip Away, Play Rough, Aerial Ace, Endure, Uproar, Retaliate, Crush Claw*Egg Move*, Hammer Arm*Egg Move*, Slash*Egg Move*, Night Slash*Egg Move*, and Body Slam*Egg Move*]

[Linoone, the Rushing Pokemon and the evolved form of Zigzagoon.
It is exceedingly fast if it only has to run in a straight line. When it spots pond-dwelling prey underwater, it quickly leaps in and catches it with its sharp claws.
This Linoone is level 48 and knows the moves Fury Swipes, Slash, Hone Claws, Pin Missile, Sand Attack, Headbutt, Covet, Double Edge, Belly Drum, Flail, Super Fang, Rock Climb*Egg Move*, Pursuit*Egg Move*, and Extreme Speed*Egg Move*]

[Loudred, the Big Voice Pokemon and the evolved form of Whismur.
It positions the round speakers on its head to assail foes with ultrasonic waves at massive volume. It builds power by stomping the ground.
This Loudred is level 48 and knows the moves Stomp, Bite, Astonish, Howl, Echoed Voice, Rest, Sleep Talk, Roar, Supersonic, Round, Screech, Stomping Tantrum, Circle Throw*Egg Move*, Disarming Voice*Egg Move*, Extrasensory*Egg Move*, and Hammer Arm*Egg Move*]

[Pelipper, the Water Bird Pokemon and the evolved form of Wingull.
It skims the tops of waves as it flies. When it spots prey, it uses its large beak to scoop up the victim with water. It protects its eggs in its beak.
This Pelipper is level 50 and knows the moves Hydro Pump, Air Slash, Protect, Quick Attack, Supersonic, Steel Wing, Mist, Roost, Water Pulse, Wing Attack, Hurricane, U-Turn, Double Team, Ice Beam, Surf, Sky Attack, Liquidation, Brave Bird, Aerial Ace*Egg Move*, Twister*Egg Move*, Aqua Ring*Egg Move*, Brine*Egg Move*, and Air Cutter*Egg Move*]

Ash then sees Watson, the Mauville City gym leader, rather sad.
Ash went over and asks "Hello, are you the gym leader Watson?"

Watson looks up, a little startled.
"Oh, sorry, yeah I'm just...worried."
Ash sits next to him.

"Why?" Ash asks and Watson sighs.
"My Electrike and Magneton were hurt real bad...I don't know who did it either.."

Ash was sympathetic and pats him on the shoulder with a comforting smile.
"Nurse Joy is great at what they do. Dont worry."

Watson smiled weakly and thanked Ash. Then Nurse Joy brings over Electrike and Magneton.

"Watson, your pokemon will be alright now." She said and Watson then thanked her and hugged Electrike.

A loud explosion was heard, Team Magma grunts were there, having Mightyena, Crobat, and Camerupt

Ash sends out Shroomish, Bagon and Beldum to fight Team Magma along with Eevee, Pikachu, and Togetic.

One of the admins, Tabitha, has some grunts use their pokemon attack Shroomish, Bagon and Beldum.
However, Shroomish, Bagon and Beldum knocks out the pokemon, two Zubats and a Numel.

Once that was done, all three of them evolves into Breloom, Shelgon, and Metang. Ash scans them.

[Breloom, the Mushroom Pokemon and the evolved form of Shroomish.
Breloom closes in on its foe with light and sprightly footwork, then throws punches with its stretchy arms. This Pokémon's fighting technique puts boxers to shame. This Breloom is level 50 and knows the moves Energy Ball, Solarbeam, Sunny Day, Mach Punch, Synthesis, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Sky Uppercut, Dynamic PHeadbutt, Brick Break,Thunder Punch, Stone Edge, Grass Knot, Worry Seed*Egg Move*, Wake-up-slap*Egg Move*, Bullet Seed*Egg Move*, Drain Punch*Egg Move*, Focus Punch*Egg Move*, Helping Hand*Egg Move*, and Seed Bomb*Egg Move*]

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