Chapter 11

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   Michael was never the best at awkward situations. So he was at loss on how to deal with his Luke dilemma. Lord, he didn’t’ even know if they were going to kiss! Maybe Luke did that to all of his friends. Maybe it hadn’t meant anything to him. He could have simply been leaning over to whisper something to Michael because he knew his mum was around. Or he might have actually wanted to kiss Michael. It was all too confusing for the green eyed boy, so he simply pushed the matter to the back of his head (even though it continued to surface) and decided to act as if nothing had even happened.

   He told himself that he wouldn’t mention anything that had happened at prom and after that. Even if it took him not talking at all.

   The rest of the weekend, he didn’t’ reach out to Luke, nor respond to any of his calls or texts. He tried his best to avoid Calum and Ashton as well. They might’ve asked about Luke and what happened after prom, and Michael didn’t want to risk having to lie. There was no way in hell he could lie to them-especially Calum. It’s hard enough to lie to your best friend as it is, and it just made it harder if it was about such an embarrassing topic.

   By the time Monday rolled around, Michael had fully convinced himself that he was going to be able to get through the day without making any sort of reference to the whole ordeal that had gone down the previous Friday. And he expected it to be something easy. Why wouldn’t it be? It’s just deny, deny, deny, right?



   It turned out that nobody had forgotten about what had happened at prom.

   As soon as he walked into the dreary building he called school, he was bombarded with an orgy of questions, the most popular one being ‘Are you and Luke dating?’. Michael just quickly shook his head and fled the scene, keeping his head down in the hallway, praying that Luke was absent and that he wouldn’t run into Calum or Ashton.

   First period was easy, considering he didn’t have any of the three in his class, so Michael mentally checked off one of the small black boxes on the list he had comprised. He figured that if he took it bit by bit, each small victory would make his nerves slowly fade away, one by one. But as he walked through the halls on his way to his next class he panicked; Calum had that class with him. And Michael wanted anything but to face him at the moment.

   But Michael knew that there was no way he could ignore his best friend and not be a bit suspicious.

   So he swallowed his pride and pushed open the door to his math classroom. He breathed a sigh of relief as he walked to his seat when he noticed that Calum wasn’t there yet. After having sat down and pulled out his half-finished homework, he heard the familiar voice; “Hey, mate. What’d you get for number 17?” A bit taken aback, Michael scrambled for the words to say. “Oh, um, y=4x^2+67. But I’m sure it’s wrong.” Michael grimaced, attempting to make his tone sound a lot happier than he was sure came out. Calum grinned at him and nodded, writing down the equation anyway.

   In hindsight, Calum seemed pretty much the same as usual. But Michael could tell something was off. Calum seemed smug, like he was laughing to himself about something. Like there was some sort of secret that he knew, and no one else, and that it was something so incredibly hilarious that there was no way he could tell anyone. He looked so pleased with himself that Michael could tell there was something he wasn’t telling him. Michael entertained the thought that it had something to do with what happened at prom. It definitely made sense.

   Michael knew he needed to confront Calum, but he didn’t know exactly how. So he just came right out and questioned the other boy, “You seem rather happy with yourself today. It wouldn’t have anything to do with prom, by chance, would it?” He asked a bit quietly, copying down the problems for classwork as he did so. Calum’s smirk grew even wider. “Depends.” He said, “Why do you want to know?” Michael shrugged, reaching for Calum’s eraser. “Just wondering.”

   “If you really want to know, just keep in mind that it was all Ashton’s fault.”

   Michael almost chuckled. He found it amusing that even though he hadn’t owned up to his suspicions, Calum still felt that he was on to him. But then he completely processed the meaning behind his words. Calum and Ashton were the reason that he and Luke were the prom king and queen.

   It was then that Michael decided that as soon as lunch came, he would make sure the meal would be their heads served on a silver platter.

   “I swear to fucking…” He sighed before continuing, leaning over to Calum and whispering, “I will chop you and Ashton into little pieces then eat it for breakfast if you mean what I think you mean.”

   Calum immediately swiveled his head towards the front of the classroom as the teacher looked at him expectantly. ‘Ha. He deserves it. He deserves more than getting caught, too.’ Michael thought as Calum struggled to answer the question written on the board. ‘But that doesn’t come until I get both of them. Once they’re both in my grasp, I’ll clench. Nothing better than a taste of your own medicine.’

   So Michael discreetly took out his phone and finally composed a message to the person who had texted him 49 times without getting a response.


   Instead of going to his usual table he sat at, where Calum and Ashton currently sat (probably expecting hell to rain down on them at any time), Michael walked outside and towards the big Sequoia tree that sat near the side of the school.

   A smirk placed itself when he saw the blonde boy waiting patiently for him, sitting at the base of the tree while stuffing Doritos in his mouth. 

   “Hey, Luke.” He said, placing himself right next to his friend. Luke lit up when he saw him, immediately smiling. “Michael! Are you okay? When you didn’t reply to me I got pretty worried. And that text you sent earlier was a bit ambiguous, so…”

   “I’m fine, I’m fine.” The red haired boy mused. “I just got kind of swamped with homework.”

   Luke nodded, understanding the boy’s words, but he still didn’t look completely eased. “So what was with the text? What did you find out?”

   Michael smiled. “Well, I found out from a little birdy who was behind the whole prom incident.” Luke perked up at the mention of the happening. He didn’t think that Michael would want to bring it up at all, let alone use it to influence a conversation. Not to mention the blonde didn’t think anyone could’ve been ‘behind’ them getting voted prom king and queen.


   “Calum and Ashton. And we’re definitely getting revenge.”


AN: Oh god. You all really deserve a long ass author’s note chock full of a million excuses. But, since you guys know me, you know that won’t be happening. I have no reason to why I have been dormant for the past, what, five months? Yeah, let’s go with that.

Okay, so, long story short, I haven’t been on wattpad in MANY months and I haven’t updated in literally ages. In all honesty, I haven’t even been reading anything. I have been 100% busy with schoolwork, and when I’m not doing that, I’m either watching youtube or practicing my many parts(whether it be scenes I do in my classes or my parts for the play I’m in). 

And it’s is completely acceptable for you guys to want to kill me. 

But even though I have a serious lack of updates, I still love you guys and think about writing ideas 24/7.


-Alyssa the adventurer

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