Chapter 1

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Muke Clemmings, few-chaptered, songfic(sorta)

Inspired by 'I Would' by One Direction, sorta


Michael sighed as he walked down the side walk alone.

Michael sighed as he thought about how much walking he'll have to do the rest of the year.

Michael sighed as he looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, threatening to pour at any second.

Michael has just been doing a lot of sighing lately.

He couldn't help it, his life wasn't very exciting. It was the same thing every day; walking alone to school, half-listening during his classes, ignoring Calum tell stupid jokes while looking at Luke Hemmings in all his glory during lunch, Calum laughing and throwing chips at him and telling Michael he's 'whipped', Calum laughing some more, Michael starting to listen to Calum while still stealing glances at Luke, more half-listening in school, going home, and finally not being able to sleep because he was thinking about Luke and his stupid boyfriend, Dan, who honestly just needs to jump into the ocean.

'Speak of the devil' Michael thinks as he looks behind him to see a familiar red car. Lukes' red car. That Michael knew Luke wasn't driving. Michal hung his head low, praying not to be noticed. Unfortunately, whoever was up there was not going to have it. "Hey Loser! Why are you walking? Did your little boyfriend Connor dump you yet?" Dan spat at him, voice full of poison. "It's Calum." Michael mumbled through gritted teeth. He disregarded what Dan said about Calum being his boyfriend. He was used to it by now.

Michael took a quick glance in the car to see Dan smirking and laughing, and Luke looking at his hands that were flawlessly laying in his lap. The window suddenly rolled up, and the car sped off.

Michael sighed.

Mother Nature wasn't going to have it either.


When he walked into school, he immediately ducked into the bathroom. Luckily, he had his gym clothes on hand. Michael quickly changed into them, but his hair was still wet. He sighed, once again, and made his way to his next class.

He walked in 30 seconds or so before the bell rang. He darted to his seat next to Calum. As soon as Calum saw him, he burst out laughing at Michaels' drenched hair, and continued laughing through the bell.

"Mr. Hood, Mr. Clifford. What is the meaning of this?"

Calum stopped laughing.


Michael sighed as he walked into the lunchroom. But this time, it was out of relief. He sat down quickly at he and Calums' table. A minute or so later, Calum joined him.

"Hey Cal."

"Hey Mikey."

Then Calum started talking about Giraffes. At least that's what Michael THINKS he's talking about. He was a bit to busy watching Luke Hemmings sit at his table that consisted of him, Dan(ew), Lukes' friend Ashton, and a bunch of other irrelevant people. Luke would only laugh or smile every once in a while, most likely at some thing Ashton said(Michael made himself believe Dan had no part in making Luke smile). And whenever he did, Michael couldn't help but swoon.

And Calum noticed. He threw a chip at Michaels' face. Michael barely even reacted. He simply picked up the chip, popped it in his mouth, and continued on watching Luke Hemmings.

"Man, you're so whipped."

"No I'm not, Calum!"


Calum yelled that last sentence. Loud enough to make the rest of the lunchroom quiet. And everyone's attention to shift to them. Including Luke Hemmings'.

Michael had still been looking in Luke's direction, and looked like a deer caught in headlights at him. Eyes wide. Eyebrows high. Red faced.

And Luke smiled at him.


And when everyone looked away and went back to their conversations, Michael celebrated by letting out little, muffled, barely audible squeals.

And Calum celebrated by laughing in Michael's face.

"Dude, you're so whipped."


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Why do people always sigh so much in my stories? I don't even sigh that much. Weird. No quotes for this story, either. Sorta based on 'I Would' by One Direction. A little bit. Kinda. And it's only going to be a few chapters long, so yeah. :)


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