Chapter 6

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"Shut up, nits." Dan spat, walking by the table occupied by the currently laughing/crying/silently planning deaths boys. [spat. Haha. Dat's a funny word.]

"You eat nits out of your hair." Calum said, smirking proudly. Ashton giggled, not caring about how stupid Calum and his jokes were. "Like the monkey you are." He added, making Calum let out muffled-by Michael's hand(he was trying to suffocate Calum)-laughs.

Michael, just shook his head and looked down at the ground, disappointed in his friends' jokes. He also let out a manly squeal when Calum licked his hand. "Ack! Ewwww! Caluuuuuuuum!!!" He made a face and wiped his hand on his jeans.

Calum just smiled innocently and batted his eylashes.

Ashton giggled at that, making Calum laugh as well.

And soon enough, the table was quite a sight to see; Ashton and Calum were laughing their heads off and Michael was still looking at his hand, disgust written all over his features.

The scene got a bit more tense when Luke went up behind Michael, wrapped his arms around his waist, and dragged him into the closest janitor's closet, Cal and Ash too wrapped up in their jokes that they didn't even notice.

[Get your mind out of the gutter no it's not gonna happen]

Luke put his hand over Michael's mouth, so that his screams wouldn't be heard. Michael, of course, had no idea what the heck was happening and all he could think was 'I'm either going to be murdered or raped oh jeez that sounds just lovely.'

But, as soon as they were in the closet, door locked, light turned on, and Michael saw that none other than Luke Hemmings was his kidnapper, he tackled him to the ground.

"Never do that again Hemmings!" Luke laughed and pushed Michael off of him. "C'mon, Mikey. I have a real good reason to lock you in a closet, I do."

"Why are you talking in a southern accent?"

"I thought it'd make it more dramtic." Luke answered honestly. Michael made a burn sound effect. "Yeah... No."

Luke pouted like a six year old. "That's not very nice of you." Michael smiled. "Well that's life, for ya' Luke."

Luke kept up his child facade, wrapping his arms around Michael[in the closet man am I the only one laughing right now like honestly] and buried his face in the crook of Michael's neck. Michael's breath hitched, and he prayed Luke didn't hear it.

"But you're Mikey-poo. You're supposed to keep me happy." He said, fake crying. Michael pretend rolled his eyes. "Happiness is overrated anyway. You're better off a pessimist, Lukey."

"That's a lie." Luke scoffed. "Happiness and optimism keeps you healthy and living longer. Besides, it's hard to be upset with you and Ash and Cal being the idiots you guys are. It's hard not to laugh at you."

"Rude." Michael huffed, smiling at Luke. "So, why did you barracade me in a closet?" Luke smirked. "I have a plan." He whispered.

Michael gulped, in the short time he had come to know Luke, had at least figured out that Luke and plans didn't mix well.

"What is it?"

"We're gonna make Calum and Ashton the best relationship in the school."

Michael gave a confused look to Luke, who's face still wore the smirk that gave Michael chills. "But they're not even dating."

"I know."

"Then how is this going to work?"


AN: @CashtonCondoms just for you babe :)

Haha cliffhanger sort of whoops

Bye lovelies!


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