Chapter 8

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    First period is already enough to make Michael want to rip his lungs out, and he was only 15 minutes into class. 75 left. He was basically ready to jump off a bridge.

   Michael was ripping out his hair when a piece of folded paper landed in the center of his desk. In all caps was his name on the front of it. Michael looked on either side of himself before shrugging and unfolding the piece of lined paper.


   I’m bored as heck and I can tell you are too. But we probably shouldn’t skip again. Maybe talking about the plan through notes would be easier XD.

   So, I’ve got the secret ballots and extra crown.

   -Luke xxx’

   Michael gulped, still not being able to understand how he had gone from over-exaggerating fanboy to being friends with the blonde boy. It was surreal, really.

  And there were x’s. X’s. Freaking x’s.

  And so he wrote back.


   You bet I am. And I’m pretty sure you’re not listening either. Perfect.

   Uh, was I supposed to get something? I thought that was all we needed plus your and Ashton’s social skills. Well, maybe just yours.

   And my sneakiness.

-Mikey xxx’

   Michael crumpled his note up into a ball, not wanting to take the time to neatly fold the paper as Luke had.

   He threw the paper across the room, the teacher not noticing because he was writing things on the board, not bothering himself with the students.

   Michael had managed to hit Luke in the head with the note, causing the blonde to let out an unmanly squeal and put his arms over his head, before looking over to Michael, who was muffling his laughter.

   Luke’s face reddened and he slowly reached down for the note, trying to play it off. It didn’t work too well.

   Michael got a response sooner than he thought he would. Apparently, Luke had inhuman skills that let him write very fast.

‘Michael Jordan,

   You need to work on your rebound you idiot.

-Luke >:|’

   Or maybe it was just the fact that Luke wrote one sentence.

   About 2 minutes after Michael had finished reading Luke’s little bit of ridicule, he was hit in the side of the face with a new note from Luke. Michael sighed jokingly and opened it.


    Yes, I guess you’re right. The fact that I can talk people into voting and that you can lie if the first plan doesn’t work is basically all we need.

    But first we need to make sure Ash and Cal go in the first place.

    How does Calum feel about social situations?

-Luke xxx

   p.s. you’re looking awfully cute today ;)’

   Michael almost spit out the Gatorade he was drinking as he read the last part of the note.

   Luke saw him and his face went red, but he still silently laughed at the flustered looking Michael, who was wiping the little bit of Gatorade that had made its way out of his mouth.

   Michael turned his head towards the boy who was laughing at his misfortune and flipped him off. That just made the blue eyed boy laugh even harder. Michael had to refrain punching him in his oh-so-perfect face.

   He quickly scribbled out a reply.


   You’re funny to even assume there was a chance Calum would go to a school dance. It’s quite amusing, really.

-Michael xxx

p.s. I could say the same about you smooth stuff ;)

p.p.s. But I won’t because you laughed at me you jerk muffin

p.p.p.s. Not one of those good muffins but one of those muffins no one ever buys ‘cause they’re disgusting

p.p.p.p.s That’s you. ‘Luke the disgusting muffin’

p.p.p.p.p.s. Oh yeah. Those jeans look good on you.’






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