What About Us?

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(I don't really have good medical knowledge so I don't know if this is necessarily true)

Meredith's POV:

I had an 11 year old girl that came in passed out with pain in the abdomen and most likely needed an appendectomy. I paged Dr. Hayes a 911 and shortly after he came " An 11 year old girl passed out with pain in the abdomen and most likely needs an appendectomy Dr. Hayes" I said. " Okay Dr. Grey I would like to get a blood test so we can confirm it" he says. Shortly after, we were at the nurses station and the blood test confirmed it she needed surgery. " Dr. Hayes I'm going to hand this case off to you because I'm a General surgeon and you're a Peds and you work with kids it's more of your specialty" I say. " Dr. Grey I would like you to assist with me in the surgery would you?" he says. " Yes I would love to Dr. Hayes" I say. I smile at him and then I heard Andrew. " Dr. Grey can I speak to you privately?" I really didn't feel like talking to him after he broke up with me but I said " Sure." " Dr. Hayes I will meet you in the O.R" I say and walk with Andrew to an on call room and close the door.


Cormac's POV:

I walk into the room and hear Dr. Grey tell me " An 11 year old girl passed out with pain in the abdomen and most likely needs an appendectomy" " Okay Dr. Grey I would like to get a blood test to confirm it" I say. I looked at her and she looked so beautiful taking the blood work and I've realized never felt that way about anyone other than my late wife and it scared me. After she was done we both walk out and take off our gowns and gloves we were wearing and go on to the elevator. We walk up to the nurses station and wait in a comfortable silence until they gave us the blood work and confirmed she needed an appendectomy. Then I hear Dr. Grey " Dr. Hayes I'm going to hand this case off to you because I'm a General surgeon and you're a Peds and it's more of your specialty" I really wanted to this case with her and say " Dr. Grey I would like you to assist with me in the surgery would you?" I ask. She then says " Yes, I would love to Dr. Hayes" We smile at each other and it was the most beautiful smile I've ever seen and then I see a resident come up and say " Dr. Grey can I speak to you privately?" She looks like she's dreading it but says " Sure". She then says " Dr. Hayes I will meet you in the O.R." and walks to an on call room with the resident. I was interested in what he wanted with her but I realized it wasn't my business and walked down to the O.R. and was getting prepped for the surgery.


Meredith's POV:

I see Andrew and cross my arms leaning on the door. " What do you want Andrew" I ask. He seemed taken back but still answered " Im sorry Meredith, I know I messed up big time but I want us to work" " Andrew you broke up with me on one of the worst days of my life I can't just take your word for it" I say. " I know Meredith but I love you, Im so in love with you and I can't stand not being near you" he says coming closer to me. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help it. I saw him looking at my lips then I let in and let him kiss me. I kissed back but in my mind I thought of Cormac but then I pushed him out of my thoughts because I love Andrew. I pulled back from the kiss and said " What about us?" He then said " I want us to get back together Meredith so can we, I know your going into a surgery and I know you like your hair braided so can I do your hair? " I kiss him then he says " So yes to us getting back together or yes to me braiding your hair?" I respond and say " Both." I smile at him and he then proceeds to do my hair, he finally finished and I kissed him goodbye and walked out of the on call room. I go to O.R 2 where we are doing the surgery and walk in to see Cormac in I go next to him and scrub, we both go into the surgery. We do the surgery and save the girl and scrub out and leave to the benches and hear Dr. Hayes " Dr. Grey you did great in their". " Thank you, you didn't do too bad yourself" I say. We smile at each other and I realized it's dark outside and my shift is over. I hear Andrew " Mer it's time to go home I'll drop you off". He come and kisses me on the cheek in front of Cormac and I say " Rules Andrew anyways yes you can drop me off, but let me change first goodbye Dr. Hayes" I walk away to go home.

A/N I'm sorry this probably isn't the best chapter but I promise this is not a Merluca story it'll get better in the next few chapters. Hope you like it so far!

( Ps: I just made a tiktok account called tvdu_greyzz17 go check it out:)

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