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"What's wrong Rosie?" Jennie asked without looking away from what she's writing.

"Is my mom weird?" I asked her that made her look at me and frown in confusion.

"Please, moms are weird but your mom is an exemption." She answered with a shrug that made me chuckle, she's right my mom is pretty cool.

"Who said that?" She asked, playfully slamming her pen down ready to fight and I couldn't help but laugh as I shake my head. Jennie is so fond of my mom just like I am to hers, her parents are like my parents too and vice versa.

"Why'd you ask?" She asked again, this time seriously.

"Jisoo has been avoiding me ever since I left her for a while with my mom when she drove me home." It's been three days since that night and I haven't had the chance talked to her ever since, it's like she's avoiding me.

"When I came back she's already gone too." I continued as I think about what happened that night which sure is like a rollercoaster ride. A lot of things happened that day overall.

"Huh, actually Lisa told me Jisoo have been acting weird lately." Jennie said that made me more concerned.

What's going on with her?

I laid on my back and stare at my ceiling, resting for a bit before I continue working on my homework.

"What's up with you two anyway? You guys look like a couple at the party." I blushed as I remember my drunken self. Maybe Jisoo was turned off? Is that why she have been avoiding me?

"I can even swear you two kissed." She continued and my eyes widen. Did we really? But Jennie holding back her laughter answers my question.

I rolled my eyes at her that made burst into laughter.

"You should've seen your face!"

I pushed her off my bed but she just continued laughing even on the carpeted floor.

"It's not even funny." I mumbled and grab my pen and notebook, face burning at the thought of Jisoo's lips on mine. Then I remembered her face close to mine before my mom opened the door that night, if I don't look like a tomato earlier I think I do now.

I almost kissed Kim Jisoo, oh my fucking god.

I was brought out of my daydreaming when my phone started ringing on my desk which Jennie quickly grab.

"Booo, I thought it was Jisoo." Jennie disappointedly said as she look at screen and threw it at me, and get back to what she's solving.

It's Taehyung, that's weird, he never call me.

"Uhm hello?"

"Hey Rosie, sorry to bother you but do you happen know where Jisoo is?" He asked and I swear I can hear panic in his voice.

"No, not really. Why what happened?" I asked as I stood up.

"Fuck I did something stupid." He said followed by series of curses and I felt my heart beat faster but not in a good way.

"What happened Taehyung?" I asked again, this time firmly.

"I just wanted to cheer her up, she looks like she's going through something so I offered her the help that I could give, make her forget whatever it is that's bugging her."

"I gave her a couple yesterday but when I sobered up my drawer is empty. I think she took it all." He said frantically.

"I shouldn't have gave her those, I’m sorr-" I hang up before he could finished and grab my jacket.

"Where are you going?" Jennie asked as I frantically wear my shoes.

"Jisoo's missing." I said that made her stood up and grab her shoes as well.

I told her what happened as we walk down the stairs and let the others know about it.

We waited by my front porch for Lisa and began searching places Jisoo might be.

"They said she's not in her apartment neither." Lisa said after talking to the phone.

We drove around town looking for her but nothing, we can't find her, even the guys can't find her. That is until we drove by the seaside boulevard and I saw a very familiar figure sitting on the sand facing the ocean. Relief came over me and I find it funny that I can recognize her even from afar.

"Stop." I immediately said startling both Jennie and Lisa.

I didn't even say a word and quickly opened the door once the car stopped to get to her.

I jogged but slowed down when I got closer, walking cautiously like she would run once she sees me.


She looked up after hearing my voice. "Hey." She said and looked back at the horizon.

I sat beside her on the sand and watch the waves wash over the shore.

After a few minutes of silence she offered me a can of beer I didn't notice she had laid beside her. I accepted it even though I won't be drinking and look at her as she chug on her own can.

We just sat there, beer on our hands, listening to the sound of the waves under the moonlight.

"I wish that's what really happened." Jisoo suddenly said, breaking the silence as she looked at me, the tears in her eyes surprising me.

I reached her face to wipe her tears that made her chuckle.

"God, even you seems so real." She said like she can't believe it and proceed to touch my face.

"You even look exactly like her." She continued softly.

"I don't think I can let her go." She said sighing and let go of my face to look at the vast sea again.

"I should've never let her go."

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