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"What's that?" Chaeyoung asked chuckling at my attempt to do a 'd' chord.

"No baby, your forefinger should be at the third string." She said as she guide my fingers to where they should be.

"Is this right, baby?" I asked teasingly.

"There. Okay try again." She commands ignoring her slip of the tongue as she blush. God she's so cute.

I tried strumming but it just produced some weird noise that I couldn't help but frown to. Ugh what the fuck.

"Oh my God you're bad at this." She said as she laugh at my struggles.

I pout as she continue to laugh but smile as I look at her. She's breathtakingly beautiful. Happiness looks so good on her, maybe I should mess up more often.

"You play then, I'll just watch." I suggested as I give her her guitar.

I rest my head on my arms that's on the table in front of us as I watch her play random chords.

She looks so good with her guitar. How can someone be this attractive with just holding a guitar?

"How long have you been playing the guitar?" I asked her that made her stop and think.

"Hmm since I was little I think." She said with a shrug as she continue with her random chords.

" She said with a shrug as she continue with her random chords

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She looks so natural with a guitar, with music. You could see she loves doing this. I've always envy her for this, her passion. She knows what makes her happy and she's not afraid to explore and try things.

"Play me something." I told her as I look at her and lean back on my chair to give her enough space.

She looked at me thinking and smiled as if she found the perfect song.

She started strumming.

"I learned how to play this when I was obsessing over Jonas Brothers." She said chuckling that made me smile.

I love seeing her laugh, smile, chuckle, giggle, I just love seeing her happy.

I smiled even wider as she started to sing. God I adore her so much.

If the heart is always searching
Can you ever find a home?
I've been looking for that someone
I'll never make it on my own

As she continue to sing I couldn't help but see a younger version of her singing this song with a smile, with confidence, with passion. And I thought I couldn't fall any harder but her I am falling even deeper.


"I like the color of this one." I told her as I look at the neon green electric guitar that made her laugh.

We're at a music store to buy me a guitar and I asked Chaeyoung to come with me because I obviously know nothing.

"Are you sure?" She asked giggling as I tried strumming the guitar.

"Yeah, what do you think?" I asked as I posed like a rockstar and bang my head that made her laugh as she playful hit my arm.

"Come on be serious." She said still giggling as I put the guitar back and let her drag me to where the acoustic guitars are.

Do you guys believe in love at first sight? Because I do now as I look at this perfect brown sunburst guitar and I couldn't help but walk towards it and hold it, it's even prettier up close and it's just the perfect size.

"I think this is it." I told her determined that made her smile.

"Ibanez huh." She said as she look at it.

I just looked her as she carefully inspect the guitar with seriousness in her pretty face. She tried playing something to hear the sound and checked the body, the tuning keys, the strings, and peaked inside the soundhole.

"So?" I really love the guitar but if she doesn't approve it then I'll just choose another one.

"Go and pay for it already." She said as she playfully roll her eyes and gave me back the guitar that made me smile widely.

"Yes! Thank you!" I said as I kissed the top of her head and giddily walk towards the counter for the payment leaving her dumbfounded of my sudden action and I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.

"I'd like to get this one." I told the cashier with a smile.

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