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I averted my attention from our professor to Jennie who's sitting beside me.

"Yeah?" I asked as I wrote down some notes on my notebook.

"Do you happen to know that girl?" She asked and glanced behind us that made me follow her gaze.

"That girl near the windows." She continued and there I saw her, she's just a couple of seats behind us.

The girl smiled and waved her hands as soon as she saw me looking at her that made me just smile back in return. I mean I don't wanna be rude. I looked at Jennie and back at her but this time she seems like she's in deep thought then shakes her head as she write something down on her notebook. I tried to remember if I've ever seen those mesmerising eyes before, her heart shaped lips and gorgeous hair. Nope, never seen such beautiful human before. I will definitely remember if I've seen her before.

"No. Not really. Why?" I asked Jennie as I return my attention to her.

"I swear to god she's been looking at you since class started." She said with a teasing tone that made me roll my eyes.

Yeah right. You see no one really paid attention to me. Jennie and I have been bestfriends since we were practically in diapers and between the two of us, she's the one who has a bunch of guys and girls flocking around her for her attention. Me? I'm just a nobody, kids in our high school often question why she's friends with me.

"Please Jennie we both know that's impossible. Maybe she's looking at you." I told her as I continue to copy what the professor wrote on the board. Why would such beautiful creature be looking at me?

"Ugh Rosie, I know when someone's attracted to me and she's not one of those. Maybe her friend that's beside her is but not her." She said as a matter of factly that made me look at her and the girl with bangs beside the girl with heart shaped lips.

Okay this girl is actually looking at Jennie and looks away when I caught her looking. I think I saw her blush that made me giggle softly.

"Oh my god, you're right about that one." I said that only made Jennie smirk knowingly. Well she's always right anyway.

"Okay class, try solving this at home and we'll have a graded recitation similar to this tomorrow. Dismissed." Engr. Brookes said that earned some groans as she left.

"Ugh sleepover at mine tonight? Please help me study." Jennie pleads with her puppy dog eyes that still looks like cat's anyways that made me giggle.

"Yeah sure. But you know what I want in return." I said as I raise my brow up and down.

"Okay I'll cook your kimchi fried rice." She said as she roll eyes that made me clap in delight.

We were fixing our stuff to get to the cafeteria for lunch when someone tapped my shoulder. It was the girl with heart shaped lips. She's even prettier up close! How is she even real?

"Hi Chaeng." She greeted smiling that made me frown in confusion. How did she know my Korean nickname?


"Your hair color looks good on you." She said still smiling that made me touch my blonde hair.

"Uhm thanks I guess."

"We're headed to the cafeteria for lunch. Let's go?" She asked still with her beautiful smile showing those perfect pearl white teeth.

"Uhm sorry but do I know you?" I asked confused on how she's acting as if we're close and how the hell did she know my nickname?

My question made her beautiful brow frown in confusion that made me regret asking it. She was about to talk when someone cut her off.

"Hey sorry about this turtle. Is she bothering you? Imma take her with us. Bye!" A guy then quickly said as he dragged the girl with her to their group I guess. Why does she looks like a lost puppy right now. Okay what was that?

The girl with bangs then came to us and bowed.

"Sorry about her. She tends to be really friendly with other people. You guys are new here right?" She asked as she scratch her nape sorry for her friend's behaviour.

"Ugh yeah. Family business." Jennie said as if it explains everything.

"Oh are you guys siblings?" She asked again looking between us two.

"No. Our parents are partners." Jennie again shortly replied that made the girl nod.

"Hmm by the way I'm Lisa, Lalisa Manoban but please just call me Lisa and that turtle is Kim Jisoo." Lisa introduced herself and pointed at Jisoo who's now pouting as she looks at us from the distance.

"Turtle?" I asked giggling at how they call Jisoo.

"Well she's a slowpoke but apparently not when it comes to you. Huh interesting." Lisa said looking at me amused that made me blush. I don't know what that means and I don't know why I'm blushing.

"I'm Roseanne Park but you can call me Rosé or Chaeyoung and this is Jennie Kim." I shyly said and pointed at Jennie who shook Lisa's hand. Okay what is this tension I see?

"Anyways, do you guys want to join us for lunch?" A guy next to Lisa said that made me jump a little. How long was he standing there?

"I'm Taehyung by the way. Nice to meet you pretty ladies." He said as he reach for our hands and kissed the back of it that made me yelp and Lisa and Jennie chuckle.

"Ignore him. Let's go?" Lisa asked still chuckling as she push Taehyung towards the door that made the guy pout.

I looked at Jennie who just shrugged. Well we don't really know our way around the campus yet so might as well go with them. They seemed nice anyways.

We started to walk towards their other friends and saw Jisoo's face lit up like it's the fourth of July. She was about to walk towards us when the guy who dragged her earlier grabbed the hood of her hoodie to stop her. He then said something that made her frown but her other friends laugh in amusement.

"Hey guys. So these are Jennie and Chaeyoung." Lisa says us as soon as we get to their friends that made us bow.

"Hi I'm Namjoon." The guy who dragged Jisoo earlier begin with their introduction with a small wave. Followed by the Jin guy who oddly looks like a guy version of Jisoo. And Jungkook who looks like the most hyper guy that I've ever seen. Seriously what's with all the energy?

"Hi I'm Jisoo." The turtle said as she extended her hand with the biggest smile on her face.

"Chaeng." I simply said as I shook her hand complete mesmerized by her smile.

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