Chapter 8

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After the day Ochako was executed. The Principal Nezu gave us all another week off. I don't know how my classma- the other kids of 1-A is doing. And I don't really care. We're on the third day of the week and I haven't left my room. The girls and some guys have tried to talk to me and bring me food but I don't answer the door. They're all the true traitors...and I'll never forgive them for Ochako's death. I've been laying down on my bed for the past 3 days. I haven't eaten, showered, or changed clothes in that time. The most I've ever moved was to get into a different position so I could cry comfortably.

At this point, I can't even cry anymore. I don't feel sad anymore either. I don't really feel any emotion. The only emotion I feel is anger. I'm angry with the pros for not going in-depth with their investigation and not even batting an eye at my evidence. I'm angry that the kids in 1-A for not even trying to help and giving up so early. I'm angry at the world for letting this happen to Ochako. She was such a sweet girl...she didn't want to hurt anyone..

I hear a light knock on my door. I look towards the clock to see it's around noon. So lunchtime. Well, I just won't answer. After five minutes of trying to talk me out they usually just leave. They would just walk in but I have my door locked. I don't want to see any of their disgusting faces. After whoever was at my door has finished their attempt to get me out of my room, I hear some whispering until my door is forcefully kicked in. I'm facing away from the door so I don't see who did it and frankly, I don't really care.

"Deku get the fuck up now!" Oh. It's Kacchan.

"Kat stop. He's grieving," And Kirishima.

"I don't give a fuck! He's been in here for 3 days straight!" I hear Kacchan stomping but I'm not sure in which direction. I figured out it was towards me once I felt him jerk me up from my bed by my shirt collar.

"Deku! Get up! It smells like ass in here and you haven't eaten or drank anything! Get off your ass and act like you know how to take care of yourself!" I roll my eyes.

"Just leave me alone..."

"No I won't! You're just gonna stay in here locked away like a fucking wimp?"

"Kat..I think that's-"

"JUST FUCK OFF!" I scream in his face. Which was a mistake since it caught the attention of almost everyone else in the dorm.

Iida and Todoroki make it up first, followed by Momo and a few others.

"Midoriya" Iida starts. I don't know what they expected. I haven't left my room for days.

It stays silent. No one says a word. Not until Eraserhead comes and tells Kacchan to let me go. He dropped me on the ground and I sat there on my knees. I don't look up at anyone. I know what they're all thinking that I'm weak, dumb, whatever other bullshit they could be thinking of.

"Everyone leave the room. I need to talk to Midoryia," Everyone slowly files out and eventually it's just me and Eraserhead in my room.

"Talk to me. I need to know what's going through your mind. Plus you need to eat and drink something. This isn't healthy Midoryia," I don't respond. I don't have anything to say to this bastard.

He sighs and decides to keep talking. "Your mom has been calling a lot. She's worried about you," My mom? Heh. Okay. Is that supposed to matter to me? When Eraserhead figures out that I'm not gonna talk to him, much less look at him he decides to leave. But before he does he says one last thing.

"Think about the people you are affecting right now..and figure out what you want to do.." With that, he shuts my door and walks off. What I want to do huh..?

The next few hours were spent with me not just thinking about Ochako, but also about what I want to do. I know for a fact I don't wanna be a hero. If doing things like what they did to Ochako is being a hero, then I want nothing to do with that.

What I want to do is avenge Ochako. It's what she deserves. I will get revenge for her. Even if it's the last thing I do...

It's around 4 in the afternoon when I decide to finally leave my room. I took a quick shower and went back to my room. Once I was back in my room I started the pack. I didn't pack everything though. I'm leaving all this All Might shit behind. I don't need nor want it anymore. I don't even wanna see that bastard's smile ever again in my life.

During these three days, all I've seen is All Might's stupid smile. His fucking smile, it taunts me. It's like he's making fun of me for ever believing in him. And honestly, I'd make fun of myself too. I didn't see any of the heroes for who they really are. They just do this for the money and glory. None of them actually give a damn about anyone. I thought that Eraserhead might've been different..but I was wrong about him too..

Whatever, it doesn't matter anymore. I finish packing my stuff but before I leave the room I something catches my eyes from my trash can. My old red boots. I got those because Kacchan got them and I kept wearing them ever since. I stand and stare at them for a moment before I decide to grab them and put them in my bag. I'm not entirely sure what possessed me to get them. But I did anyway and didn't question it.

I took one last look at my room and shut the door. I walk down the hallway to the elevator. I ride the elevator down to the first floor, the first thing I see is nearly everyone in 1-A in the commons room. Well, I probably can't leave so peacefully but what can they do? Stop me from leaving? I don't think so.

I walk out of the elevator and instantly almost everyone's eyes are on me. Great. I ignore them all and continue walking.

"Hello Midoriya! It's nice to see you out of your room!" Iida smiles at me. I'm assuming he hasn't seen my bags yet. Which is good. No one needs to know I'm leaving.

"Midoryia why do you have your bags packed?" Todoroki asks me while eyeing my bag. I roll my eyes and don't answer. Instead, I continue walking.

"Hey! Didn't Icyhot ask you something?" I still don't answer. I just continue walking until of course, Kacchan has to start stomping up to me with Todoroki right behind him.

"What are you doing Deku?"

"None of your business Kacchan," I spit back with malice. I don't want to look at any of these bastards. Much less talk to them. I try to leave once again but Kacchan's feeling gutsy and grabs my arm. I turn back and glare at him. Of course, he just glares back.

"Woah guys what's happening?" Mina raises from the couch, concern laced in her voice.

"I don't know..ribbit,"

"Okay both of you break it up! We can't have you guys fighting in the dorms!" Momo walks towards us and gets in between me and Kacchan.

"Midoryia would you like to explain why you have 2 bags packed?" Momo questions me. You know what? They want to know so bad, then they can know. I don't care anymore.

"I'm leaving,"

"What do you mean you're leaving?" Todoroki chimes in this time.

"I'm leaving UA,"

To be continued...

(A/N) Thank you so much for 200+ reads! I really appreciate you reading my story and I hope that you're enjoying it! <3

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