Chapter 3

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Everyone is here in the commons room. I couldn't get everyone together so I talked to Iida and Momo. I told them my idea of giving Uraraka notes before she gets executed. Thankfully they both agreed. And now everyone is turning in their notes. I watched Hagakure carefully. She wrote a lot on her note. To be fair she was kinda close to Uraraka. Or maybe she's writing her confession? No she wouldn't be that stupid. Iida and Momo could easily look through to note and turn that confession into the pros.

"Thank you everyone for your notes. We will hand these to Mr. Aizawa. You can go back to your rooms," Iida commands doing weird arm movements he likes to do. When they give the notes to Mr. Aizawa he'll give them to me so I can match the handwriting. Everyone was instructed to put their names on the notes so Uraraka knows who wrote each note.

"Whatever. This was a waste of my fucking time,"

"Come on was for our classmate," Kacchan rolled his eyes and scoffed. He then went back to his room with Kirishima, Denki, and Sero following right behind him. I'll head up to my room now, so Mr. Aizawa can give me the notes. I take the elevator but not before Todoroki joins me. Once the doors close he turns towards me.


"Yeah Todoroki?" What does he want? Is he on to me?

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing. I'm just going to my room is all,"

"Is that really it?" What is his problem? Is he suspicious of me? I don't care. He needs to leave me alone.

"Yes. Why? Is there a problem Todoroki?"

"No. You just seem to be handling this situation quite well.a little too well don't you think?" He's definitely on to me. I'm gonna have to bump up my acting a little bit.

" be honest Todoroki I'm not doing too well" I look at him and his eyes soften a little bit. Okay it's working. I just have to keep this up.

"I-i'm just trying to keep a brave face for e-everyone else" He rests his hand on my shoulder and gives me a soft look.

"I understand Midoryia. I apologize for accusing you in this situation. It must be hard for you," Looks like I succeeded. I let a tear fall down my cheeks as the elevator doors open for my floor.

"Thanks Todoroki," He gives a sympathy smile before I step out and the doors close. I wipe the tear from my cheek and smirk to myself. Hah, the idiot. My acting is going pretty well. I walk to my room to see Kacchan standing in front of his door looking at me.

"What is it Kacchan?" He continues staring at me and then gives me a glare.

"What the fuck was that Deku?"

"What was what?"

"Don't play dumb. What the hell are you taking advantage of Icyhot's empathy?" He saw that? Dammit!

"I fucking saw you Deku. Crying to him and then once the doors closed act like nothing happened. What the fuck is up with that you damn nerd," Shit. I don't know what to do.

"Bakubro you coming?" Kirishima sticks his head out of Kacchan's room.

"Oh hey Midoryia! Bakugou's not giving you a hard time is he?" I smirk. This is my chance to get out of this and go to my room.

"Yeah a little bit," I rub the back of my neck.

"Bakugou! I told you to leave Midoryia alone,"

"You fucking bastard," Kacchan growls at me. Little explosions are coming from his hands. Kirishima steps out in front of me and cups Kacchan's face. What? Kirishima whispers something to him and Kacchan scoffs but calms down. Kirishima turns back towards me.

"Sorry about that Midoryia!" So they're closer than just best friends?

"Kirishima I have a uhh question?"

"What is it?"

"Are you and Kacchan dating?" Kirishima's face matches his hair color. Kacchan looks like he's about to bust a vein.

"U-u-uh w-well u-um,"

"Yeah we are so fucking what. It's none of your damn business,"

"I-i'm sorry Kacchan! I was just asking. Well I'll leave you two alone now,"

"Uhh Midoriya..if you could keep this a secret?"

"Of course Kirishima," That's some blackmail information I have on not just Kacchan but on Kirishima as well..

I turn around and walk into my room. I'll keep that piece of information in mind just in case I need to use that. Now I need to wait for the notes.

I hear a knock at my door. I look at the clock to see it's almost midnight. So curfew has already passed. I open it to see Mr. Aizawa stands there with a folder filled with little notes.

"I looked through all of them to make sure they all have a name on them and they do. So your job should be pretty easy," I nod my head and take the folder from him.

"Thank you Mr. Aizawa," He nods his head and walks down the hallway. I close my door and move to my desk. I start to sort out the notes. I'll do the people I'm least suspicious of so I can cross them off. I check Momo, Iida, Todoroki, Kacchan, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, Tsu, Jirou, Tokoyami, Sato, Koda, Ojiro, and Shouji. That took about 30 minutes. Now I have Mineta, Hagakure, and Aoyama. I check Mineta and Aoyama's quickly. It's not them. Not even close. So last is Hagakure. I put the note and the notebook together and compare the handwriting. It's identical. So it's Hagakure. It makes sense. All she has to do is take off her clothes and no one can see her. She could easily sneak in Uraraka's room and put this notebook in there. So that's how she framed Uraraka. But I need more evidence. This probably won't be enough for the pros. But that's a significant piece of evidence so I write that down in my journal.

After I close my journal and get really to call it a night I hear a knock on my door. That's strange. It's 1:30 in the morning. I know it's not Mr. Aizawa. He already gave me what I needed. I'll just not answer it. Whoever it is hopefully will just think that I fell asleep. I wait about 10 minutes until I decide I can move again and whoever there is gone now. Once I sit on my bed the person knocks again. Okay so they didn't leave and as soon as I sat down they knocked again. So they know I'm up. Is it Hagakure? No. If she deemed I was asleep she could have walked in here because of her quirk. So it's not her. So then who is it?

"Open the damn door Deku," Kacchan? What does he want? I roll my eyes and get the door.

"Yes Kacchan?" He glares down at me since he's about 2 inches taller than me.

"What the hell are you up to?" I smile at him innocently and tilt my head to the side.

"I don't know what you're talking about Kacchan?" He rolls his eyes and snarls at me.

"Don't play fucking dumb with me fucking Deku. I saw Aizawa give you the notes everyone wrote to pink cheeks. What the fuck are you doing?"


To be continued...

(A/N) Thank you so much for reading this chapter! How's the book going so far? Let me know!

I want to bring some attention to the attacks and racism that the Asian-American community is facing in the United States at the moment. If you are able, please sign petitions and spread this information to bring more attention to this issue!

Additionally, Nigeria is facing a third mass kidnapping. In the last 3 months 317 girls have gone missing. If you could please spread this information and make it known!

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