Chapter 12

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Trigger Warning: Mention of suicide. I'll mark before and after so you can know what to skip if this triggers you.

"How long until they get here? Aren't they pro heroes? They're supposed to be faster than this," Deku's been bitching about them taking too long for the past 35 minutes. He can't truly expect them to bust in here without any type of plan. That would be stupid. Even for Icyhot.

"I even gave them our location," He puffs out while rolling his eyes. He's been playing with a knife for the past 25 minutes when he "got bored." He throws it in the air, it spins once, then he catches it by the handle, and repeats. The look on his face reminds me of when we used to mutter when we were back in UA. Instead now he doesn't mutter. I guess he finally found a way to keep all his damn thinking inside his head.

"How's my mom?" Well that came outta nowhere. Aunt Inku...she was devastated. We tried looking for Deku everywhere. But he couldn't find him. A year and a half later we just assumed he was dead. His funeral was terrible. Aunt Inko was screaming nearly the whole time while my mom tried to calm her down. It didn't do anything though. I remember the rest of the class and Mr. Aizawa was having a really hard time too. All Might was in a very broken shape. He didn't talk, smile, cry, or anything. He was just numb.

***Trigger Warning!***

A day after his funeral, Mr. Aizawa went missing. The pros found him a day or two after he was declared missing. He was hanging from a tree by the city. He..committed suicide.

***End Trigger Warning!***

"Your mom is really broken.." I respond dryly. Aunt Inko lives with the regrets of ever letting her son go to UA. She would always talk about if only she didn't let him go back when they built the dorms, or at all, he would've been okay.

"Hm. Okay," The hell? That's it? So he's lost all his love for everyone. Well I'm not surprised. He's not the same person he once was. He's..very different.

Suddenly I hear cars pull up outside. A sickly smile spreads across Deku's face.

"Finally they're here," He stands up and walks behind me. I have a very bad feeling about he was something up his sleeve that none of us will be able to escape. We have to remember..this is Deku after all. And he's most definitely not stupid.

I hear banging that sounds above me. So we must be in a basement of some sort. I hear yelling..It sounds like Shoto, Denki, Momo, Kyōka, and Hitoshi. There are a few more voices I can't quite distinguish. Suddenly I hear a slam behind me. I can't exactly turn around, but it sounds like Deku dropped he wants them to find us...

Soon there are footsteps rushing down until they get closer and closer to the dark grey metal door.

"You can open it! It's open!" Deku yells out behind me. The door slams down to reveal Shoto, Denki, Momo, Kyōka, and Hitoshi. They must have told everyone else to stay upstairs just in case.

"Midoryia..." Shoto starts with an icy glare in Deku's direction.

"Todoroki..How's it been?"

"You bastard..I don't know how you're alive right now or what the hell happened to you but you need to let Katsuki go," He starts to walk towards us, the others trailing behind him.

"Ah, see I wouldn't come any closer if I were you," Suddenly there was a cold object placed near my neck. With the others' reactions, I'm assuming it's the knife he was playing with.

"There we go. Let's be civil shall we?" They stopped in his tracks.

"What do you want Midoryia?" Hitoshi asked. He's trying to use his quirk. Which seems smart in any other situation, but in this one. This is Deku we're talking about.

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