Chapter 9

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"What the hell are you talking about Deku?" Kacchan yells at me and Kirishima tries to calm him down.

"You heard me. I'm leaving UA,"

"You're leaving for a vacation or for a break?" Momo questions me, a hopeful gleam in her eyes.

"No. I'm leaving for good," I say clearly and loud enough for all of them to hear me hopefully. My voice is void of emotion. And it seems to shock everyone. The hopeful gleam that was in Momo's eyes a second go vanished, and the look in her now looks pitiful. But somehow...I quite like the look in her eye's..exciting...I get snapped out of my staring at Momo's eyes when Kacchan snatches me up by my shirt collar.

"You're gonna quit? Just like that? I thought you were gonna be number 1 hero Deku? What happened to that huh?" Even though Kacchan sounds angry..I can hear the sorrow behind all his anger and hatred. And I must admit...that sorrow in his voice is almost as exciting as the misery that was present in Momo's eyes.

"I don't care Bakugou. Let me go," The look on his face is exhilarating...the despair and hurt in his eyes...the way he's speechless right now...I don't know what this feeling quite is right now...but I love it. Especially since I've felt nothing for the past 3 days.

"Kat..c'mon..let's go.." Kirishima takes the stunned Bakugou away. While they leave, the rest of 1-A just stares at me. All their eyes filled with terror and fills me with joy to see all these fuckers hurt. It's what they deserve. I let a slight smirk sneak it's way on my face.

"Good luck on becoming heroes everyone," I walk towards the dorm doors and this time no one tries to stop me. Before I close the door I pause. The most exciting and brilliant plan has just popped up in my mind...I know exactly what I'll do for my revenge..Before I leave I turn around to class 1-A. "You're gonna need it..." With that I walk out and leave all of 1-A stunned, scared, and confused.

*Five Years Later*

"It has just been announced that Ground Zero is now the number 1 hero! Can we believe it Akria?"

"No we can't! I remember seeing him tied up on national television after winning the sports festival at UA! We all thought he'd become a villain! But he proved us all wrong by not just becoming a hero, but becoming the number 1 hero!"

"Yes Akria! It certainly is something! Ground Zero is about to speak right now! Let's listen in!"

Ground Zero walks to the stage in front of the microphone. He looks calmer. He looks like he's enjoying life. He has a ring on his finger, happily married to Eijiro Kirishima, the number 6 hero.

"As the number 1 hero, it is my job to keep everyone safe. I am here to provide security and justice for everyone here. As you all know..our past pro heroes failed at their job. Their failure resulted in an innocent life being lost, her name was Ochaco Urakaka, losing a pro Eraserhead took his life after the incident, and finally..losing someone who would have been an amazing hero..Izuku we he took his life after leaving UA," The pro hero takes a pause to gather himself as he always gets emotional when talking about the incident.

Once he composed himself, he looked back up at the camera and continued. "I am here to prevent anything like that from ever happening again. I am here to protect and bring justice to everyone. I hope I have your support. Thank you," He bows as the audience erupts in clapping and yelling at the new number 1 hero's claims. I scoff, yeah right..

I flip the switch off on my television and go to the bathroom to wash my face. I push my green hair out of the way of my eyes so I can see myself. My hair is getting quite long. I should probably cut it. I will be getting guests soon...and I'll want to look my best when I meet them. Especially since it's been such a long time since I've seen them last..

Once I'm done in the bathroom, I go to my fun room I have here in this warehouse. I have a guest right now. But they aren't anyone important. Just some old geezer that no one cares about anymore. I walk in to see the old bastard is sleeping. Maybe I went too hard on him...

I slam the door closed so he wakes up. He jumps a little in the metal chair I have for him. Shaking just slightly. He looks up at me with terror written in his face. That look just makes me feel so giddy inside. I can't wait to hear his screams again...they were just magnificent. Sadly today will be the last day I hear them..since I need to make space for a different guest.

"Y-young M-Midoryia...please...l-let me g-go," I start to giggle...eventually I start to chuckle a little louder. Who does this old geezer think he is? He thinks I'm just gonna let him go because he says please? Ha! What an idiot! He didn't let Uraraka go when she said please..why the hell would I do the same for him..

"But I thought we could have more fun! I wanna hear your screams and pleads again...Plus..I need to get rid of you. So let's have fun one more time..what do you say...All Might...?" He just looks at me..with a baffled look on his face. He's looking at me like he doesn't know who I am.

"W-what h-h-happened to y-you Young M-midoriya?" The smile I once had on my face is gone. He knows what happened to me. He's a part of the reason as to why it even happened in the first place. I don't answer. I just walk over to my favorite wall in this room. The wall that holds all my favorite knives. I hover my fingers over them and stop at a knife with a short blade and a green marbled handle. I'll use this one. A grin dances its way on my face one again as I turn to face All Might.

"Midoriya..w-what a-"

"Shhhh All'll all be over soon..."

To be continued...

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