Chapter 23

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A few months later

April 15,2015

Me and Aug walked into the doctors office I was now 9 months and on the verge of popping any minute we had found out

We were having twins a girl and boy August was so happy I was too I was actually gonna be someone's mother

"Ahh my favorite couple how you guys doing today"Dr. Sanchez said smiling

"We good doc just ready to see my babyeh's get in this world"I said laying back

"You did really good during this pregnancy April how did you do it" she asked I looked at August

"We don't fight"he said looking at me I smiled

"Every couple fights"she said rubbing the gel on my stomach

"No we don't fight never will you see us fight we kno' we need each other there isn't any thing to fight about"I said looking at the screen I seen my 2 baby's I was so happy

"Well they look healthy your due any time great job sweetheart you guys are my favorite couple thus far I wish you guys luck in parenthood"she said

Aug helped me up I hugged her she chuckled and hugged back

"Thank ya so much Dr.Sanchez 'preciate it"I said Aug hugged her

"Y'all welcome"

I smiled and Aug held my hand and put his other on my lower back he helped me to the car

"You kno' ya made me the happiest man in the world ya having my babyeh's I'm gonna have my little princess my prince and my queen"he said looking over at me I leaned over the arm rest and pecked his lips

"I luh ya don't ever fa'get that"I said

"I luh ya mo' don't fa'get that"he said pecking my lips


I woke up to April screaming and gripping onto my arm

"Babyeh babyeh what happened"I quickly got up

"August my water just broke"she said and screamed again

I helped her up and gave her a pair of my sweatpants and a t-shirt I put on her slippers for her I slipped on a t-shirt and sneakers


She grabbed her stomach I grabbed her overnight bag and helped her up I carefully walked her down the stairs I helped her into the car and we were off

When we pulled up to the hospital I grabbed her stuff and helped her out the car we walked in the hospital

"Aye my wife's in labor"I yelled nurses came rushing out

I followed them to the room they hooked up the stuff I walked out and called every one telling them to come to the hospital I walked back in the room and went to April side she was braiding her hair I chuckled

"How ya doing babyeh"I asked she took a deep breath

"Okay"she said she was gonna do a natural pregnancy the door opened and Devonte and Camryn came in

"Hey bitch"Camryn said they never cease to make me laugh at how they are to each other

"Hey ho- Ahhhhhhh"April said grabbing her stomach my baby was in pain it hurt to see her like that

"Hey beautiful"Devonte kissed her forehead

"Babyeh it hurts"April said crying I grabbed her hand

"Just wait babyeh"I said I knew this was gonna take a while

"You made me the happiest man alive"I kissed her forehead

"I luh ya so much"I kissed her cheek

"With everything in me"I kissed her nose

"Babyeh it hurts"she said crying

"I want to go home make it stop"she cried I rubbed her stomach

"I kno' mama it's okay think about it your bringing our babyeh's into this world relax mama"I said pecking her lips

"Stop crying boo you brining my niece and nephew in this world it's gonna be ova soon"Camryn said

I seen hurt in her eyes I know it hurt her to see her best friend in so much pain

"Cam it hurts make it stop"I sighed and rubbed her stomach

A few hours later

"Okay April your fully dilated on the count of 3 I want you to push okay" the doctor said "1..2...3 push"April pushed

"It hurts I don't wanna do it"April cried

"You're doing good April now ready 1..2..3 push"she pushed again

"Okay April one more time 1..2...3 push"

"Push babyeh"April pushed I heard cries

"It's a boy"she handed him to the nurse

"April one more time okay 1...2..3 push"she pushed and I heard more cries

"It's a girl"they went to go clean them I kissed April

"You have made me so happy you did great babyeh even though you broke my hand"she chuckled the nurses came in with our kids

She handed the girl to me and the boy to April I smiled when she grabbed my finger with my hand she was small and adorable this was my little princess

"Babyeh what should we name ha"she asked

"Nevaeh Christina Alsina"I said Christina was April's grandmother name

"Heaven spelt backwards I like it"she smiled at me

"What about the little guy"I asked

"André Melvin Alsina"

I smiled Melvin my brothers name the crew came in to the room our family to

"Guys welcome to our family Nevaeh Christina Alsina and André Melvin Alsina"Me and April smiled I pecked her lips

"I luh ya Fa'eva" I smiled

"And Always" she smiled


Name: André Melvin Alsina

Birth Date: April 15, 2015

Birth time: 11:24 p.m.

Father: August Anthony Alsina

Mother:April Maya King


Name:Nevaeh Christina Alsina

Birth Date: April 15, 2015

Birth Time: 11:28

Father: August Anthony Alsina

Mother: April Maya King


And scene

Yayyyy they had there baby's bet y'all wasn't expecting twins

I hope y'all like the names

They were born on Melvin's birthday

I hate to say it but this book will be ending in 2 chapters chapter 24 and the epilogue I really want to thank y'all on this journey

But don't worry our favorite couple will be back in the prequel My Everything I decided that I will be doing a sequel but in the near future the sequel will be based off of Nevaeh and André

Nevaeh and André in the MM

Luh y'all babes

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