Thursday, April 8th

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So... I came out to my mom, she said I wasn't a boy and that it was common sense that I was a girl because I was born that way. Imma just go cry now I hate when someone tells me that because I am a boy regardless of what people say.

She just texted me though and said that she's sorry she was just in a hurry and told me to be whatever I feel like and that she would be behind me all the way. I love my mom but it still hurts that she said I'm not a boy.

Also update on my sisters boyfriend he's doing a lot better he's talking now and he actually stood up today so that's great my sisters really happy too and I'm glad he's getting better. He makes my sister really happy and he's a great dad to their kids so that's amazing.

Have a great day ~ Jaiy❤️

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