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"Welcome to Writing Lit, my name is Park Jinyoung and I'll be intsructing you all for the duration of the semester!"

Jinyoung spelled his name out on the whiteboard behind him, not that it was difficult to spell, but it was a habit of his. He turned and looked among the class of various faces, assuming this would be another semester full of long lectures and late nights grading papers.

"While this class covers writing and literature, we'll be focused on writing more than anything. If you are interested in taking a full Literature based course, consider registering for my associate Professor Im's Literature Analysis class. Otherwise, you're all stuck with me from now until the end of the semester!"

He continued on with the normal first-day procedures, introducing himself further before going through attendence and learning more about each student, asking for at least one fact about themselves.

A few students trickled in late, which was normal, especially for freshmen who are easy to point out in comparison to the higher level students. Jinyoung always ensured to come off as warm and friendly to ease new students into opening up.

Though, one particular student came in extremely late, and he didn't have the usual nervous jitters of a freshman. Jinyoung ignored his entrance, assuming that many factors could have led to his lateness. He continued on with introducing the topics and required books the class will cover.

Ultimately, he decided to end things early and start the actual curriculum the following week, allowing the students to go on with the rest of their day.

As he began packing his things in order to get to his next class, a figure approached from his peripheral vision. He recognized the student as the one who entered late by the bright red sweater he wore.

"Hey teach."

Jinyoung paused, glancing up, slightly taken aback by the casual tone he wasn't used to receiving. He almost questioned who this guy was talking to. "Excuse me?"

The student leaned on the desk, shoving his phone in his pocket as if the person he was talking to came second to whatever was on the little screen. "I just need to make sure I'm marked present."

Jinyoung took in a silent breath. He gave the student the benefit of the doubt, pulling out his attendance sheet again to run down the list of students. Maybe he was just misreading the strong sense of arrogance emenating off of this person.

"You were late. Name?"


"...Jackson who?"

The student scoffed. "I'm sure there aren't any other Jackson's in this class."

Jinyoung rose a brow, lifting his eyes from the paper. So, the arrogance wasn't a misread.

He took in another breath, straightening up so he was eye to eye with this 'Jackson' who obviously had forgotten who he was talking to. "Isn't it a bit rude to have such an attitude om the first day of class? My impression of you is slowly declining..."

"What does it matter? Just mark me present." The other male retorted.

Jinyoung paused, taking a moment to suppress the urge to curse out a student on the first day. His arms naturally folded over his chest, matching the subtly aggressive energy he was recieving. "I'll mark you late. And just a reminder, I'll be teaching you for the duration of the semester; I would suggest treating me with more respect."

"Then treat me with respect and don't mark me late! Besides, aren't you pretty young for a professor?" Jackson took one look up and down Jinyoung's form as if to confirm that the latter was quite young looking for his job.

"I skipped a few grades here and there. My age isn't your concern though, passing my class is." Jinyoung leaned forward, his hands pressed on the desk that separated him and the student who needed to be remided of proper manners. "And being on my bad side will not help you with that."

Jackson took a step back, glaring at Jinyoung before scoffing and turning away. He swiftly existed the classroom, the heated tension between them dissapting once they were separated.

Jinyoung hadn't expected to deal with that on the first day, but there's always that one student who drives him insane all semester, and he knew that surely Jackson will be the one. He simply sighed, shaking his head as he packed his things to get to his next class.

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