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If Jackson hadn't made his obnoxious presence so obvious, Jinyoung wouldn't have noticed his constant lateness. Sometimes, the student would come in so late that Jinyoung assumed he was absent, until the last half hour of class he decides to show up.

He could only take this for so long before he needed to address the situation, and he hoped things wouldn't escalate to the point where he needed to contact department chairs to try and handle it.

Jinyoung could only assume that he was just a student who had little care for his education. Possibly forced to attend university, he may be intentionally trying to flunk out, or simply does not care to be there. He found himself oddly interested in Jackson-- whenever the student was in class, that is.

As the weeks flew by though, Jinyoung was sure that Jackson's nonchalant attitude would catch up with him. He was somewhat worried about the student's performance on the assignment he planned on giving out, but sometimes professors would underestimate their pupils; he would just have to wait and see. 

That day came soon enough, and Jinyoung couldn't wait to hand Jackson his assignment paper. He'd dealt with his attitude for weeks, now it was time for Jackson to put his attitude to the test.

He spent the majority of the class introducing the written assignment, going over what he expected and deadlines, before finally handing out the same information on a printed sheet. As soon as he dismissed the class, he kept an eye on the unruly student who passed by his desk on the way out.

"Jackson, especially looking forward to reading your assignment." He stated with an obnoxiously warm smile.

Jackson stuttered as he walked, shooting a glare at the professor before rolling his eyes and leaving. Jinyoung couldn't lie; he was interested to see what he would get.


For the first assignment, Jinyoung gave his students 2 weeks to complete it. He was optimistic that students would do well, considering he'd basically given them an entire outline in class that they just had to copy using their own topics, and hand it in. He tried not to make things too hard or go too fast, but there were always a few students that needed an extra boost, and he was excited to see their progression.

A few days after the due date, he dedicated a weekend just to grading for all of his classes. Jackson had handed him his paper late, yet still had an incredible amount of arrogance while doing so-- Jinyoung couldn't wait to read his.

He didn't think about Jackson's paper until he got to that class, his eyes lighting up when he finally reached the paper with Jackson Wang in bold at the top. He settled comfortably in his chair, red correction pen in hand.

It took him only 5 minutes to finish the somewhat short paper.

It wasn't great.

Jinyoung wasn't the type of professor to be happy that a student wasn't performing well. In fact, it was a bit difficult for him to grade a student's work as poor, considering the fact that all work at least had some type of effort behind it. And honestly, Jackson's paper did have effort behind it, but it was obviously rushed as if he left it for the last minute, poorly structured despite Jinyoung having gone over it at least 3 separate times in class, and terribly unproofread.

Jinyoung's job was to teach and help students improve, and though Jackson seemed to be putting little effort into his class, he couldn't help but take some of the blame onto himself. 

He needed to give Jackson a hard push.

He reluctantly marked the paper as a C, hoping to get a chance to speak to Jackson soon.

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