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Jackson pulled out multiple containers of homemade food, setting them along with the small table beside the couch Jinyoung laid across. He was able to drag himself out of his room and as far as the door to let the student in before collapsing on his sofa and not moving since.  The latter's bag was mostly packed with picnic items as opposed to studying material; as the only thing he had that could possibly be used for school-related things was his laptop.

Jackson had pulled over a chair close to the couch so he could sit right beside his sickly professor who was wrapped in the blanket he had initially brought for them to sit on at the park. He wasn't really irritated though now that he knew the real reason behind Jinyoung's canceling; just a little disappointed that their plans had to be changed.

"You made all this?" Jinyoung asked as he glanced at the food on the table.

Jackson shrugged in response. "It's nothing."

"It looks good." He was surprised that the latter went so far out of his way, not only to be on time for their meeting, but to diligently prepare food and items they would need for the duration of it. It made Jinyoung blush, just a little; he never expected Jackson to go so far.

"I like cooking." The student replied while grabbing a container that held a few triangularly sliced sandwiches. "So it won't go to waste, you've gotta eat all of it."

"A-All of it?"  

"With me, of course."

"Of course." Jinyoung nodded, lightly chuckling. "Thank you for doing all this, I'm sorry for inconveniencing you."

"It was my decision anyway." Jackson mumbled with a shrug. He gazed at his instructor while taking a bite of a sandwich, his brows furrowing with concern. "Are you sure you're comfortable on the couch? You should probably lay on your bed so your body doesn't begin to ache."

"I'm fine here. I'm sure you won't be comfortable in my bedroom." Jinyoung assured. He shifted focus, his eyes briefly darting to the laptop that rested in Jackson's bag. "Should we begin?"

"What?" Jackson frowned, following Jinyoung's gaze, initially shaking his head. "Oh no, you need to focus on resting--"

"You said it yourself, this visit is strictly academic. Let's begin, I'll repeat my lecture and you can begin to draft your next assignment."

The latter hesitated, then let out a sigh. He reached for the laptop, placing it on his lap and opening it. "Fine, but don't strain yourself."

Jinyoung hummed, waiting patiently for Jackson to pull up an empty document to take notes on. He cleared his throat and, as best as he could, began lecturing through his sickness. "So, you have a topic; what you need next is a strong introduction. Assuming that you're very familiar with the topic, you should write as if you're trying to explain your topic to someone who has no idea what you're talking about."

"Why would they read it then if they have no idea?" The latter asked.

"To learn about it. You're teaching them through your writing."

"That's not my job though? They can learn on their own."

"Jackson don't be difficult."

The student rolled his eyes, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Fine..." He grumbled, his fingers tapping against his laptop's keyboard. "So, I want to talk about the importance of exercise..."

"Great, that's a topic I think you can talk a lot about. Start by explaining what exercise is and how it affects one's body--"

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