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Jinyoung entered his next class with his bag full of papers to return.

He was glad to announce that most of the papers he read were great considering it was the first assignment, but he refused to comment on the handful that didn't meet his expectations.

Surprisingly, Jackson was on time, albeit his version of on time was about 10 minutes late.

As he walked around and handed out the papers, he kept finding himself anticipating Jackson's. He was a bit worried as to how the student would respond to being handed a C; he wasn't exactly fond of knocking someone off of their high horse, even if it was arguably deserved.

When he finally got to Jackson's paper, he braced himself, happening to lock eyes with the student as he approached. He handed him the paper, keeping his expression still and walking off to hand the next student their paper. Though, Jinyoung found himself keeping an eye on Jackson as he walked around, almost bumping into a chair.

He watched Jackson's brows rise, then settle in a split second as he stared at the grade at the top of his paper. He let out a long breath, then shoved the paper into his bag, his expression remaining still after that.

Jinyoung was slightly worried, though he wasn't sure if it was the reaction he got or the lack of a bigger reaction that worried him more. He kept glancing at the student who rested his head on his hand, seeming to have already given up paying attention in class.

When he returned to the front of the room to finally start the day's lesson, his eyes couldn't stop drifting over to Jackson's seat. He wondered if the latter was really dissapointed, or just careless about his work. Either way, it was Jinyoung's job to fix that-- or try to, at least.

It wasn't until the end of class that he had an opportunity open up for him to approach Jackson about his performance. He wasn't sure exactly how to start the conversation, as every student took it differently, but he intended on talking to Jackson reguardless, so he'd just figure it out as he went.

To his surprise, Jackson marched down toward Jinyoung's desk, the latter's eyes widening only slighty when he saw the student approaching. Though, Jackson ended up pausing just before his desk-- hesitsting.

He stood there for a split second before clicking his tongue and shaking his head, turning on his heels and walking toward the door.

Jinyoung had a strong urge to prevent him from leaving: now he knew Jackson was bothered by his grades, and it was his duty to say something.

"Jackson." He called, standing from his chair just as the other man paused before the exit.

Jackson stood there for a moment before slowly turning, practically glaring at the professor-- daring him to say something.

Though, Jinyoung wasn't scared of a harmless look. "I... want to speak to you, about your score on the paper."

"What is there to talk about?" Jackson spat, his eyes falling to his feet.

"Come here."

The student sighed, reluctantly turning around and approaching the desk. He stood across from Jinyoung, hands deep in the pockets of his hoodie.

"I told you that you would start struggling."

"So you called me to tell me 'you told me so'. How professional." Jackson retorted with the roll of his eyes.

"No, I wanted to discuss what options we may have for you to improve your grades."

"Like what? I'm no good at writing. You can't get better at it."

"You can, there are writing tutors. And especially for when writing essays or formal responses."

The latter clicked his tongue, gently nudging the desk with his foot. "I don't want a tutor. I'm not dumb."

"Tutors aren't for dumb people, they're for practice." The professor corrected; he was nowhere near surprised at Jackson's attitude toward getting extra help, he seemed like the self-confident type who avoided it at all costs.

Jackson shrugged indifferently. "Same difference, I don't care. I'm not getting a tutor just to write a few sentences."

"Then, there is an extra credit option--"

"If I did a shitty job with this then how do you expect me to do good on extra credit?"

"You try harder."

"How do you know I'm not already trying?"

"Because frankly, you don't act like you are." Jinyoung received a glare in response, but he couldn't just let up on someone who he was sure was cable of much more than what he gave on the assignment. "You told me yourself, I'm not important, I'm just another face you see twice a week."

"So what, you want me to make you important?"

"Not me, the class. Take it seriously. Your education isn't a joke, I'm not just someone here for a paycheck, I want to see you do well."

Jackson's arms folded over his chest, his eyes narrowing at his professor. "That's not the impression I got from you when you threatened me the first day of class. How do I know you're not failing me because you dislike me?"

"I don't dislike you, I'm interested in you--"  Jinoyoung faltered, taking a moment to assess what had just slipped. It sounded almost suggestive, but he didn't mean to come off that way. He quickly cleared his throat, clarifying his wording. "...i-interested in helping you pass this class. Your first impression was honestly horrible, but what kind of professor would I be to hold that against you? Your personality doesn't speak for your knowledge."

"So... you weren't purposely giving me a bad grade?"

"I would never, you honestly just did terribly on the assignment."

Jinyoung's bluntness made Jackson's eyes drop to the floor. "There had to have been a nicer way to say that..."

"Look, I don't have much time, I've got to get to another building for another class but--" The professor tore out a piece of paper from one of his various notebooks, quickly scribbling across it with a random pen he dug from his bag. "Take my number. Call me, and we can schedule a time to meet to further discuss your potential options. I'm free whenever you need me... aside from when I'm teaching or helping other students, obviously."

Jackson hesitantly took the paper as if he were suspicious of it exploding in his hand. His eyes rose to meet Jinyoung's, brows furrowed together. "...Why are you so nice all of a sudden?..."

The latter chuckled as he packed his things, slinging his leather bag over his shoulder. "I am a nice person; you're the not nice one, and your attitude needs a fair challenge-- I can get nasty if I need to."

At that remark, Jackson snorted out a laugh, watching the professor head toward the door. "Please, you don't strike me as the feisty type, I bet you couldn't hurt a fly."

"Oh really?" Jinyoung hummed standing in the door for just a brief moment before glancing back and smirking. "Try me."

With that, the professor disappeared down the hall, leaving Jackson in the classroom, his number still in hand.

"Okay, Professor Park..." The student mumbled as he gazed down at the digits scribbled out, a smile of interest tugging at his lips as he shoved the note in his pocket.

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