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Jinyoung placed his bag on the chair behind his desk. He let out a sigh as he glanced around the empty classroom, his skin prickling with goosebumps in the airconditioned space. Another day, another class to teach soon.

He began setting out some of his belongings on the desk in preparation for the upcoming lecture. He hoped students would be eager to learn despite the sweltering heat outside.

Suddenly the classroom door opened, though Jinyoung was the least bit startled. The first day of classes always consisted of a student getting lost or coming way too early. 

"I don't have a class for another hour-" He began before looking up, his sentence dying in his throat upon seeing the student. "...Jackson?"

"Hey Teach." The latter greeted with a bright smile as he shut the door behind him, waltzing into the room.

Jinyoung flushed, his eyes lighting up upon seeing his lover so suddenly. "D-Don't call me that... I told you I would be working today."

"Yeah, obviously I remembered."

"But-- why are you here?" Jinyoung faltered, his eyes glancing down at the attendance sheet he'd just placed on his desk. "Don't tell me... you didn't enroll in my summer courses, did you?"

Jackson made a face of disgust as he approached the desk. "Gross no, I'm not going to school more than I have to."

A breath of relief escaped the professor as he confirmed Jackson's name was not on the attendance. "Oh... then...?"

"I can't just come to visit my boyfriend?"

"Well, it would be kinda frowned upon..."

"By who? Technically you're on break between classes right?"

"Still working."

"Whatever, you just try to ruin everything~" The student groaned as he walked around the desk to where Jinyoung stood, sliding behind him. His arms wrapped around the professor's middle, pressing their bodies together. "Relax a bit, hm?"

Jiynuogn tensed, shuddering in his hold. "J-Jackson, really not now--"

"But teach~" The latter whined, begging to litter kisses along his boyfriend's neck.

"S-Stop it..."

Despite trying to resist, Jinyuong was quite shameless; his head tilted to expose more of his neck for Jackson since every kiss made his skin heat up. He tried not to get too caught up, but it was difficult to fight the person he liked so much.

"I came here with news... guess what?" Jackson mumbled, bringing Jinyoung's focus back for just a moment. The professor hummed in slight interest, though he was still absorbed in Jackson's touch. "...A kinda well-known blog wants me to write for them."

Jinyoung's eyes that had slid closed snapped open. "Huh?"  He wriggled out of Jackson's hold to turn and face the other. "You serious?"

The student nodded, his eyes falling to his feet. "Just one article for now. A fitness blog, at least 500,000 active readers. That's pretty good, right?"

An excited smile graced Jinyoung's lips as he brightened with pride. "Jackson that's amazing! Why didn't you tell me sooner!? Did you start your article? What's it about?"

"Cool it with the questions... you know I hate writing anyway..."

"Then, why did you agree to do it?"

The latter initially shrugged, though his cheeks flushed pink. He gently kicked the floor, swaying side to side. "...To make you proud..."

The professor softened, his heart suddenly throbbing in his chest. "Oh..."

"B-But also, it's just good for me in general! I can put it on my resume and stuff so when I look for an actual job or internship--"

Jackson was caught off by Jinyoung yanking him into a kiss. He didn't need explanations or anything like that, just the fact that someone he loved was doing something great made Jinyoung extremely happy. His heart swelled from just looking at him, he couldn't be more ecstatic. "I'm so proud. I told you I believed in your potential."

"I-It's not even that big of a deal..." The latter mumbled as his face flamed red. "...But, I was planning on asking you to read my drafts and stuff when I start to write. You're the best at this anyway."

"Of course I'll help you, I'm so happy for you."

Jackson grinned as he held Jinyoung tighter against him. Though he was still blushing, his bashfulness turned into something else. "...Wanna show me how happy you are?"

Jinyoung blinked, catching on to what he was implying. "J-Jackson I-... I'm happy but I don't think-"

"You said we have an hour right? One quick round, I'll lock the door."

Jackson pushed Jinyoung against his desk, continuing where he left off with those neck kisses.

Jinyoung groaned as his hips were pressed back against the hard surface. Indulging in this sort of thing on campus would be really unprofessional, and with a student no less... "Jackson s-stop, if you keep it up I seriously won't be able to keep it together..."

"Then fall apart for me, I'll hold you together when we finish just in time for your next lecture."

Jinyooung's blush deepened as Jackson's handed intruded his shirt. He buried his face in the latter's neck, breathing in the scent that turned him on even more. "...L-Lock the door and do it fast, I can't stand in front of my class like this..."

Jackson grinned as he pulled back just so he could rush to close the door and return to his boyfriend's side.



Thank you for reading as always! Just a little short story I wanted to get out lol. Leave any comments, feedback, thoughts or whatever, I love hearing from everyone! <3

Thanks again so much!!!

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