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Jinyoung got to their meeting place first, securing a table and setting out some study material for him and Jackson to go over. He brought along a copy of Jackson's paper to review with the hope that they would spend their time together studying hard.

Though, it would've helped if Jackson showed up on time. Jinyoung had already gotten used to the latter's tardiness in class, but for some reason he had hoped it wouldn't apply to his outside of class behavior too. Apparently he was wrong, as half an hour passed before Jinyoung finally decided to see what was taking so long. He hoped he wasn't bailed on, both to save this from being a waste of time and for Jackson's sake.

Jinyoung: where are you?

He waited for a reply that never came. He started to feel a little stupid assuming that Jackson was ready to take his work seriously after all this time of carelessness-- Jinyoung had hoped that he'd given the student motivation to do better, but maybe he was the one who was tricked.

He didn't know why he was so eager to meet up with Jackson in the first place;  this was just like any other professor-student meeting.

"Sorry I'm late teach!"

Jinyoung jotled as the loud voice echoed through the place, his head whipping over to the entrance Jackson finally emerged from. He beelined for the table Jinyoung was seated at, sliding into the booth across from him.

Despite his shock-- and admitted relief-- of Jackson's arrival, Jinyoung knew he needed to come down on him for wasting so much valuable time. "Jackson come on, it's one thing to be late to class, but also to a meeting that you arranged? That's pure carelessness."

"Pure carelessness would be me deciding not to show up at all." The latter retorted.

"Regaurdless, I'm lending you my time. Please respect that."

"You and this respect thing, jeez. You're practically my classmate."

"I have a degree already, unlike you."

"Well some of us don't have the energy to skip a billion grades. I take my time." Jackson replied while teasingly sticking his tongue out.

"You're so childish..." Jinyoung couldn't help but roll his eyes; despite how troublesome Jackson was, he was quite amusing. "Did you bring your work?"

"I was supposed to bring something?"

"Jackson..." The professor sighed out while pinching the bridge of his nose, an unexpected laugh bubbling up out of him. "Well, you're lucky I brought along my own material just in case."

The latter shot a quick glance at all of Jinyoung's materials before sliding out of the booth. "While you prepare that stuff, I'm gonna go get a snack. Want something?"

"No thank you."

He shrugged, walking off toward the food counter.

Jinyoung took the time he was gone to plan out what they needed to cover-- he wrote detailed notes on Jackson's biggest writing weaknesses, deciding to tackle those first and cover minor issues later.

When Jackson returned,  he held a large tray in hand. Jinyoung only glanced at it briefly, assuming that a man of Jackson's muscular and toned stature would need to eat a certain amount each day. 

Though, as the student settled in his seat, he took off a plate of chocolate cake and slid it across the table in Jinyoung's direction, a hot cup of coffee following with a bowl of creams and sugars. The only thing Jackson had gotten for himself was a cup of water and a croissant.

Jinyoung's brain couldn't process the nice gesture coming from this guy, he had to make sure this was still reality. "...What's this?"

"You seem like a cake and coffee guy." The student shrugged as he took a sip of his water, loosely gesturing to the items he bought. "I dunno how you like to make it so I just grabbed a ton of stuff and brought it over."

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