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Jinyoung continued with small introductory exercises to help students get comfortable in the course, though as he taught, he expected a familiar annoyance.

Except, he couldn't find that face that had approached him the day before in class. He wasn't concerned, in fact, if a student like that had dropped his class, it would be much less of a burden on him.

Though, he was wrong to assume so fast, as the student who insisted he was the only Jackson in the class (when in fact there happened to be another) walked in late yet again.

This time, Jinyoung didn't do too well hiding his reaction, as he completely paused in the middle of his sentence to reprimand student with his eyes before continuing. He could see Jackson clear as day constantly using his phone and not paying much attention to the lecture, which Jinyoung was sure would come back to bite him in the butt at some point.

As he finished up his lecture, he kept finding himself eyeing Jackson who seemed to have the least amount of care for the class. It was always the less studious ones he kept watch of opposed to the eager students-- it was his job as a professor to spot any potential issues and nip them in the bud as soon as possible anyway, for the student's sake.

As soon as he dismissed the class, he immediately set his full attention on Jackson who was taking his leisurely time leaving.

"Jackson?" Jinyoung called, the latter a bit caught off guard, obviously not expecting to be called. "Stay behind for a sec please."

The student paused mid step, letting out an exasperated sigh before turning and approaching the desk at the front of the room. "What?"

"You were late again. It's only the second class."

"So? It's none of your business."

Jinyoung cocked his head, wondering if Jackson was always the challenging type. "You do know attendance affects your grade, don't you? I suggest you take this more seriously."

The latter shook his head. "Franky, I don't care."

"I can tell, and I suggest you start caring early on before the work gets too much and you start falling behind." The professor made sure to put some seriousness in his tone, hoping that Jackson would catch his genuine warning.

Except, Jackson simply rolled his eyes, turning away from the desk as if Jinyoung had said nothing of importance. "Look teach, you're just another guy I have to see twice a week, don't think you're so important. I've got places to be and things to do."

"It's Professor Park," Jinyoung corrected, refusing to back down regardless of the latter's attitude. "We'll see about that as the semester goes on."

Jackson paused, glaring back at him.

"Professor Park." He repeated mockingly before finally taking his leave.

Jinyoung let out a breath-- it was gonna be quite the ride with this one.

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