Chapter 20

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We both flew in the air and it felt like time stopped for that second. We were so close to each other but missed. I landed on my feet with my back turned against him. I could feel the air around us stop for a minute. I turned around and he was already runny towards me with his claws out. I dodged all his attacks but one. One of his nails slid across my cheeck. I could feel the blood dripping down my face.

"I never did get to tell you how much you look like your mother." He said almost in a mocking voice.

I took a step back but still keept my gaurd up.

"How do you know her?" I asked preparing an attack stance.

"That's none of your concern but i did have a great pleasure killing her with my blood as she gave birth to you and watching over as your father killed your grandmother and as your dad's wolf took his life with your dad's instead of yours." He laughed and brushed off some dirt.

I attacked i didn't think i just kept throwing punches at him. How dare he do that as if their lives didn't matter how dare he spit dirt on their names on my family he was going to pay.

I punched him on the mouth and his face went to the side with a grin.

He licked some of the blood of his lips.

"Or how about Tate how i controlled him to try and attack you or how i controlled his mate to reject him. Honestly i already knew you were going to visit his pack but i didn't know how i thought it was going to be with that mutt but you going alone was a even better. He said going forward pulling my hair and then throwing me into a tree.

I felt my breathe get knocked out but i still stood up.

"Tell me something do you really think your dear mother commuicates with you?"

I looked at him with wide eyes with a slightly opened mouth.

"Your mother is DEAD sweetie she can't possibly talk to you." I rushed towards him with a fire attack but this time he dodged my attacks and he kicked me in stomach.

"Guahh!" I screamed out a little.

"You're going to pay for everything." I said back grabbing his leg that he kicked me with. I pushed it off and kicked him where it hurts the most.

He didn't seem to budge.

"Hm i guess you don't have anything down there huh."

His eye flinch and then he smiled.

"I believe you already know that i have something down there that you seem to have enjoyed."  He said while using his hands as a gesture to his area.

I growled at him. Which  also earned a growl from Jared.

I turned to face him and his wolf was taking over, but there was still too many vampires pinning him down.

Xander pinned me down. He grabbed my hands with one of his hands and looked into my eyes.

"Why won't you love me?" He asked with an angry expression.

I tried to push him off but he was over powering me.

I looked away not wanting to look at him in the eyes.

"Look at me." He grabbed my chin gently with his free hand to make me look at him.

"Tell me you love me." He said in a calm voice.

"I-...I love you." I whispered.

"SCARLET!" Jared screamed with anger in his voice.

"Please just stop this war and ill be yours."

"Do you promise?" He looked surprised.

"Yes i promise." I kissed him on his forehead.

"All you need to do is let go of my hands and stop this war." I said while kissing him again , but this time on the mouth.

He let go of my hands and kissed me back.

" I love yo-" he didn't finish saying.

I had punctured my arm into his chest i squeezed his heart. He looked down towards my hand and back at me.

"YOU PROMISED!!" he yelled as blood gushed out of his chest and his mouth.

"Haven't you heard, im not good at keeping my promises." I said as i pulled his heart out.

He smiled and said "dieing from getting my heart ripped out from the one i love ,dramatic but lovely."

He fell on top of me. I pushed him off and turned into my wolf form. I then ripped his head off with tears going down my face.

I'm sorry...i'm sorry...i'm sorry , but i won't let you hurt anyone else.

I turned around and everyone's face looked shocked.

All the vampires had a terrifed look on their faces.

The remaining vampires were killed. And the fight was finally over.

Or so i thought.


Finally it's friday and i finally updated like i promised the book is not quite yet over neither is the fight but let me give you a hint it's not going to be with vampires but a teacher a mate we all know if you guys remember in the beggining of the book that someone said something when he found out Scarlet ran away

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