Chapter 9

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Scarlet's POV

I want his name to be Xavier and my daughter's name should be Violet."

"What beautiful names ma'am what about the last names?"


"Sure thing ma'am."

"What!" Tate looked at me with disgust.

I was quite shocked in the 2 months i've been here he has never looked at me like that.

"I'm okay with you naming the girl Violet , but they AREN'T getting his last name!"

"Tate they are my kids and his they at least deserve his last name."

His eyes turned from honey brown into a a black that could consume you at any time.

"ALPHA TATE PLEASE STOP THIS NOW!" The pack doctor yelled at him.

Tate started growling and walking towards me.

I mind-linked the doctor to run and take my new born childern somewhere safe, i didn't know if it reached him since i was still learning how to mind-link, but as soon as i saw the doctor grab my children and run away i knew he had heard my message.

Tate was now at arms reach. He reached towards my kneck and started choking me.

"Ta-te stop pl-pl-ease."

But he just squeezed harder

I was running out of air and the machine that was plugged in me to  check my heart rate was slowing down.

My vision started getting blurry and tears were spilling from my eyes.

You can't die our pups need us!

"But i can't do anything."

Do you trust me?


Now listen my name is Kadden i am your wolf  calm down and say these words "i accept you" then you will shift into me and we will be able to save our pups


I took a deep breathe and calmed my body down.

"I- *breathe* I accept!"

I felt my body cracking my bones moving and it was the worst pain worst then just giving birth to two childern.

I felt Tate's grip get loose.

I looked down and it worked i was a wolf. I ripped the plugs that were attached to me and ran. I smelled the air to look for my pups scent.

I looked around and found their scent i ran so fast it felt like everything around me was going slow motion.

I got to a room and knocked the door down.

"Luna i made two members take your kids to the pack border here's your car keys they moved everything to your car already take your kids and get out of here the alpha finally showed his true self now run."

What do you mean his true self

"I'll tell you later in a message now run and get out of here."

Thank you doctor for everything

"You are welcome child now go."

I ran to the border with my car keys in my mouth.

How do i shift back

Think of being human and you shall shift same thing if you want to turn into a wolf

I thought and turned back into human. The members passed me some clothes and i changed as fast as i could.

My babies were already in the car buckled up and everything.

"Luna there is money, food , and everything else you'll need for your trip it was nice having you as a Luna."

They both said in unison.

"Thank you so much both of you i will never forget what you two did for me i am grateful for what you both had done thank you so much im honored for being your Luna."

I hugged them both then ran to my car and drove as fast as i could.

I looked at my mirror and i saw Tate in his wolf form running towards me.

I had already passed the border and he was still chasing me.

If i kept going i would be in my old pack and i didn't want that.

But if i stopped he would get me and my pups.


I felt really tired i hadn't rested for 2 days since i had to give birth. But i knew that me being tired wasn't going to help me escape Tate.

"You are not running away agin Violet!"

He mind-linked me.

"Violet's dead Tate isn't she?"

I was almost to my old Pak border and I knew if I didn't get over there Tate would get me.

Tate was so close behind me so I speed the car to go faster.

I reached the pack territory and three wolves popped out of nowhere I knew one of them was Jared. He was a big black wolf with blue eyes. His wolf was beautiful and my wolf kept repeating mate.

I knew he  recognized me because he looked at me for 5 long seconds.

He and his pack members started attacking Tate.

Tate started pushing them off he  injured one of them. Jarred got mad so he started attacking him with all force and killed him he had grabbed him by the neck and cut off his throat and then Tate's body slowly fell to the floor still staring at me.

Scarlet you told me you would never leave me you fucking liar!

"NOOOOO!" I screamed

I ran out of my car and went to Tates limp body.

His breathing was no longer there his body was so cold and his body was bloody, I turned around to Jared and I asked him why he did such a thing.

Jared just looked at me and laughed. I shifted into my wolf and started to attack  him but he pushed me off of him so easily.

" So it was true you weren't human ,hmm interesting."

My pups started crying and his head shot to my car,  he ran to my car and grabbed my pups.

He looked at them with so much love but when he looked at me all there was, was hate.

I looked at Tate's body and i whispered down.

"Tate I'm sorry I'm sorry for this to ever happen."

I kissed his forehead

I heard a growl coming from Jarred but j just ignored it.

"Goodbye Tate now you can be with your mate Violet."

A tear made its way down my cheeck.

I shifted back and one of his member's gave me a big black baggie shirt.

"Take her to my house and my pups." Jarred demanded.

"Yes Alpha."

I didn't show any emotion on the way to his house. So many memories passed by my head of how much i hated myself and how everyone hated me.

I wonder how Cassidy was she hadn't called me in two months she probaly had forgotten all about me.

We got to his house and it was big,beautiful and breathe taking.

The members took me and my babies in a room and left.

Thats when i broke down into tears i couldn't believe another innocent person died because of me. I could hear my wolf Kadden howl her saddness. Then i fell asleep next to my babies wondering what hell Jarred was going to bring upon me.

How was this chapter was it long enough or no please tell me comments would be nice

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