Chapter 21

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"SOMEONE!" " Please.."

I yelled as much as i could, i've been yelling for 3 days but no one would come. I was locked up in a silver cage. I've also been drugged with wolves bane that made it hard for me to heal. I haven't seen my pups, but i could feel them and i knew they were safe. The cage i was in was damp and cold and darker then a starless night with no moon. I knew i wasn't alone well i was alone as in no one else was in here in the same cell as me but in differnt cells. I could smell them i could smell their rottning flesh and i could hear their horrid screams. It made me sick just thinking what was happening to them. I was chained onto a wall  with four cuffs with spikes with a spell on them so i couldn't use my powers or shift into my wolf to escape and everytime i move they get deeper into my flesh. The fact that i was also naked made me feel even more defendless then i already felt and the one who put me in here would come in here and beat me, whip me and cut into my skin. The person who put me in here was no other person then my mate. Yes my own mate put in here, and once i get out i won't show any mercey to him or anyone.


The fight is finally over. I ran towards Jared with a smile on my face. I went to him and gave him the biggest hug. The aura around him felt really scary. I looked up at Jared's face and he was looking down on me. He didn't hug me back and he didn't speak.

"Jared..?" I looked at him questioning his silence.

He pushed me to the ground hard and looked at me with the same cold stare he used to give me.

"Jared what are you doing?" I said trying to stand up but he just pushed me down once more.

"Get her." He looked at his memebers than back at me. I looked at him with disbelief. What is he doing.

"We're sorry Luna." Kyle said. ( okay so Jared's beta is called Kyle not Charles i re-read the story to figure it out and yea sorry for the many confusing names hah.)


He launched forward turing into his wolf and bit at my arm. I was shocked, why was he doing this. Why was Jared having our pack attack me. I looked at Jared and he had a smile on his face. I made a fire fist and Kyle let go with a whimper. I got up as fast as i could and started running. I needed to go to my pups.

I turned into my wolf form and started running as fast as i could. Some of his members were right behind me trying to bite my legs but missed. I made a wind barrier go around me, but they still kept on attacking.

I heard a deep growl infront of me and i saw a black wolf.

Damn it

It was Jared.

The pack stopped attacking and i let my guard down. I put the barrier down and then Jared launched at me with his wolf barring his teeth at me.

Jared's Pov


"Shut up Bate like i said earlier that once i had her back with my pups i was going to make her pay"

But but you we both love her we need her we showed her love

That was all fake i don't care if she's royal blood or anything, plus i haven't even marked her

Bate retreated into my mind with a whimper. Stupid wolf to think that i could love anyone...

I ran towards Scarlet with my teeth barring out. She didn't move or attack she just stared at me.

"Damn it" i thought to myself why didnt i want to attack her. Why did she just kept starring at me with those eyes.

I let that thought go away and bit onto her shoulder. She whimpered and it made my chest ache but i knew that was just the mate bond.

I let go and bit her leg i felt her blood rush out and it covered her white fur. Maybe she surrendered or the bites were too much for her and so she turned back to her human form unconscience.

I had her taken into our wolf cells. I needed to make her pay for everything.

I know it's a short chapter and im sorry for that

If i get 10 votes and 10 comments ill make a longer one by either in 2 days or friday.

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