Chapter 3

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Ive been driving for around 2 days and i finally decided to stop. I came to a small village in California which is 3 states away from where i came.

I decided to just stay at another apartment instead of buying a house. I had money i was written in my parents will and my grandmads, but i only use the money for emergencies.

I had a job as a waitress which means i need to look for a job over here i hope they'll hire me even though im pregnant.

Ohh sboot i forgot i need go go to the hospital in a  couple of days to see if

my baby is okay.

As i went to register some guy came up to me, he looked around the same age as me. He had dark blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. He had a long sleeve shirt on with baggy pants.

"Rouge what are you doing in my terriorty!?"

"Excuse me?" I said with confusion.


What was his problem?

"I think your mistaking me for someone else my name is Scarlet not Rouge."

He looked at me with a are you stupid look.

"What pack do you come from?" He asked this time lowering his voice.


"Wait are you human?"

"Yeess just like you."

This guy is probaly crazy i should just ignore him.

I turned around and got my key and walked right passed him.

-----( unknow guy's POV)

How is she human she smells just like a wolf. I also felt power coming off of her,she must be an alpha's mate. But if she was she would have known what i meant about rouges.
She wasn't marked either and i could tell she wasn't rejected  beacause you would feel the pain  coming off of her.

I know how that pain feels.

I got out of my thinking state and i realized she was gone. Shit.

I asked Stacy one of my pack member also the girl who gave Scarlet her keys for ber apartment.

"Thats odd you actually remebered someone's name." My wolf Henery said in a teasing manner.


"Tate you can't even remeber my name at times." He chuckled.

I simply ignored him.

-----( Scarlet's POV)

I walked into my new home and just went straight to bed because tommorw was going to be a busy day.

Sorry if this chapter was too short ill update longer chapter tommorow.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone

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