Chapter 25

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*warning some bad words *

If you guys wrote any stories or just really like any stories tht u had read  if you want me to read them that would be AWESOME just comment down the titles of them  :)

Anyways im at school right now but when you read this its prob thursday im just finishing my 1st period i have block schedule which means i only have to take 3 class each day instead of 7 so woo but it sucks  its like 2 hours in each class now i know how Scarlet feels about it

Alot of people ask me what grade i am or age i am 16 in 10th grade so yea ^…^

I might also be doing more of Jared's Pov now i dont know though because i like to keep him in the more mysterious type

Also im sorry if some of my writting confuses you i speak 2 languages so i mess up on how to say the word in writting so im sorry about that.

One more thing thank you all of you who have been reading my story it means alot and im always here for you c:


Right now i was looking for Scarlet i was searching high and low for her. It has only been two days but two days too long.

You should've taken care of her instead of abusing her

Shut it.

I was in no mood for Bate's complaining moans. He was in no place to be arguing with me right now i needed to find Scarlet.

You did this to her.

"Bate for the second time shut it."

No, if you would have kept following your heart by loving her like you did these couples of months none of this would be happening right now. You know you truly love her but  Instead you were being some prideful DICK. You should have showed her what she needed the most but NO you were afraid of REJECTION afraid of her BETRAYING you but instead you betrayed her you little fucking BITCH.

I stopped in my tracks he was right. I had no reason to be mad or to be rushing to her side i had already betrayed her too many times i had taken from her any love that she needed i even took our kids from her. She had reasons to hate me even kill me.  BUT i will not stop looking for her i will find her and i will show her my true...feelings.

How foolish i truly was how could i not have opened my eyes earlier, to know how much she really means to me how much i need her in my life.

But will she forgive me?

Of course she will. She's our mate she'll understand if you tell her everything. Let's just hope we aren't too late.


(Scarlet's Pov)

Xander is carrying me. My body feels so heavy right now and my head is spinning. Its my body but i can't control it. All i can remember is Xander bitting his arm and putting his mouth over his bloody arm then a second later there is blood dripping from his mouth and him walking towards me then he's kissing me again with his blood burning down my throat and a minute later i feel like a statue ,  this was way differnt then the first time he almost turned me it was painful. I was screaming but no one could hear it im screaming from the inside feeling trapt yet no one can see. I see two people infront of  me. I looked closer they both are me. One normal me and another me but this other me has black long hair with dark red brown eyes no longer two differnt colors. My skin color is pale no longer that tan brown it was, and my lips are fuller and rosey pink. They both are motionless all of a sudden the pale me looks at regular other me and bites her kneck and kills her. She drops my other me's body and runs towards me but dissapears as soon as she cross me. The buring sensation stops and i no longer feel like im controlling my own body.

Did he turn me?

Xander was still carrying me but i didn't know where. It felt like we were walking for hours until he made a stop. I try to open my eyes but the light was too strong for them so i closed them back again.

I feel him grab my body tighter and feel him gently putting me on something comfy and soft.

"Lay here and rest." He whispered in my ears. His breathe was so warm and it felt nice against my skin but i wasn't just going to stay here and not do anything. I needed to look for mate and my pups.

I tried to get up yet my body was refusing.

"Scarlet since i turned you, your body listens to every order i tell you."

"Now sleep."

I started getting drowsy and soon fell alseep.

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