Chapter 5

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"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

"My name is Tate Bash, and i'm the Alpha of this state."


"Do you believe in werewolves?"


"Well im a werewolf and an Alpha meaning a leader and i believe you are one to well a werewolf not an alpha but since you haven't shifted i can't tell."

"Hello police there's a crazy per-"

"Hey give me my phone back now!"

"Why don't you believe me?"

"Hello werewolves aren't real."

I can prove it to you

"How did you do that?"

"Do what?" He said smiling

"I just heard your voice in my head."

"Well im a werewolf and i used mind link which means communcating with our minds."

"Maybe i thought i heard it.."

"You didn't think you heard it you actually did whjch means you are a werewolf because only werewolfs can mindlink not human but since you don't believe me ."

"You leave me no choice but to shift but when i shift back i don't want to be naked so"

He then started stripping and i turned away with burning cheecks.

"Okay look."

I turned around and he was still naked. He had a great body but not as great as Jared's. Shit why im i thinking about him.

Cracking noises brought me out of my thinking state.

I saw Tate there with his body deforming.

His bones were cracking and moving places and he was growing fur!

I then just saw a big and i mean big light brown wolf with honey brown eyes right infront of me.

"O my o my o my."

I slowly backed up holding my stomach.

Don't worry we won't hurt you Scarlet.

"Whose we?" I asked looking around

My wolf his name is Will

"Oh okay well i have to go."

Ill meet you at your apartment.

(Jared's Pov)

It's  been about a week since she left.

I can't believe that human is pregnant once i find her and my pup im going to take child away from her and lock her away i said that bitch was going to pay and trust me she's going to regret leaving and being born.

Cassidy won't even tell me were she is so i had her locked up in a silvdr cage with her mate.

So right now im contacting every alpha to give me clues or if she's in their land.

(Tate's POV)

I was going to go to Scarlet's apartnent right away but my beta Charles linked me.

I ran to the pack house in my wolf form.

When i got there my members from my pack where outside waiting for me.

I changed back to my human form and changed into my clothes.

Charles came up to me with a phone.

"Hello im Alpha Tate what matters do you need to speak to me about?"

"Hello im Alpha Jared and im looking for my runaway mate named Scarlet."


-----dun dun dun is Tate goning to tell Jared that he knows where Scarlet is?

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