Chapter 23

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I kept throwing my body making the chains crack even more. The blood dripping on the floor and the chains ripping into my skin didn't stop me i needed to get free. I swang my body making the chains go in deeper. After 3 more times i stopped because i hadn't healed and im not ready to die yet. I heard footsteps coming to my cell. The locks outside my cell unlocked and came in Jared.

His eyes opened up in shock as he saw my bloody body with the chains deep into my flesh. He might not had marked me yet but i could feel his emotions. His emotions were so bi-polar. He was happy and sad yet mad. He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it.

I glared at his reactions. He walked towards me. He gently grabbed my chin and slowly trailed his fingers down my kneck. His eyes were cold.

"Im sorry.." he whispered.

I looked at him. Im sorry was all he could say.
" IM SORRY. WTF ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME." I screamed i was angered. Why in bloody hell did he grrr im so mad like i can't even put it in words like are you FUCKING KIDDING ME.

He dropped his hand and put it to his side. He looked down then up into my eyes.

"Don't worry once we figure out how to change you again ill free you and we can be happy again with our pup since you are my beloved mate since you belong to me since you are MINE."

"Are you high?" I looked at him with disgust and confusion.

He just laughed and replied "high from loving you."

I rolled my eyes wtf is he thinking he is insane he's gone nuts.

"What do you mean change?" I asked.

"Wiiiiiiilllll i was only able to turn you half vampire thats why you're here locked up because he dosen't trust you anyywayssssssssssssss um what else o yea and ummm im here to change you into a full vampire which means you won't have those powers of yours or that wolf of yours and so you can belong to me."

"Jared what are you talking about?"

"Silly girl you still haven't figured who i am?" He said while raising his eyebrow and using hand gestures.

"Okay lets have a fun riddle with this. Roses are bloody red violets well one of them is dead i have fangs and you are my mate. Who am i?"

I gasped that riddle was really stupid.

"That riddle is really stupid." I responded.

"Really Scarlet really." He said with a hint of annoyance.

I just shrugged my shoulders. I thought about what he said and then it hit me. I looked at him, knowing he figured that i figured it out. He smiled.

"Xander." I said.


I know its really short.

What did you guys think about Xander coming back?

If you forgot vampires can change into someone else kinda like a shapeshifter but they can only change form of the same gender

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