Chapter 26

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"Wake up." I heard Xander say.
It felt weird my body was asleep but i wasn't. I counted the seconds and minutes my body was asleep for .14 minutes my body was alseep for 14 minutes and during my slumber i could feel his hands traveling up and down my body. I felt his cold hands grope me it was horrible. He was so forceful so disgusting. I wanted to throw up i wanted to fight him off but i couldn't. I wanted to wake up so i could push him off and kill him. I was done with all of this i just wanted to be happy for once. I opened my eyes and i was naked. I got up and tried to cover myself but there was no blankets. I looked at him. He had his shirt off and only had pants on. After a few seconds of staring at him he started smiling. A part of me wanted the smile i didn't know why. I knew that my real feelings for him were those of hate, so why did i want his smile?

"Like what you see?" He said with a bigger smile on his face.

I didn't answer him.

"Answer me." He commanded with a hint of curiosity in it.

"No i don't. You look like a piece of shit."

"Ha ha my darling that's not what i see in your liveless eyes. They're burning red with lust."

"What do you mean red?" I asked arching one of my eyebrows.

He moved to a mirror and grabbed it. He came back to me to the bed and when i saw my reflection i froze my hair was long and black my eyes just like he said were a brown red and my skin was icy pale i looked flawless i looked photoshopped. I looked at him then back at my reflection.

"Wha- WHAT DID YOU DO!" i got up and was about to attack.

"I killed and turned everyone against you...even yourself." "But you still have me and we can be together forever..."

"Okay where was i?"

"Oh yea."

"I was going to tell you my little story about you."

"First it was your mother Rose, she was quite beautiful i almost even got a taste, but sadly you beat me to it since you killed her well i had a part of that too but mostly you. Anyways then it was your dad i gave him memories that weren't even real i put stuff in his mind that you were a monster that you killed Rose with your own hands yada yada yada ,and it worked he tried killing you but killed your grandmother and himself. Then there's Tate but im pretty sure i told you that story. Now to Jared or Mr.Cains whatever you want to call him i prefer mutt but you know that's kinda my opinion. I did the same to him as i did to your father. I altered some of his memories that's the reason he attacked you, after i supposedly "died". Oh yea i also turned you into a vampire so you can be my mate."

Everything he just said seemed to be going slow motion in my head. How could he be so cruel? How could say all of that with a smile on his face? Did that mean that Jared actually cares for me? Was my whole life a lie or just an ugly truth? What did i ever do to him? I didn't do anything to him. Right?

Did he just pick me or is there a reason.

"Tell me what's in your mind." He reached out to me and started stroking my hair. I looked at him.

"Why me."

"Because it had to be you. Your kind has been trying to defeat my kind. BUT it all ends the same. Death."

"But this time even the gods are getting tired of the war so it seems they made you my mate."

"I am not your mate and will NEVER be yours."

In just a second i felt my face burning my head was turned to the right. He just slapped me.

"Silence." He forcefully grabbed my chin and made look at him.

"You will be mine whether you like it or not, and i won't let anyone get in my way. If they do i'll just kill them and me and you can live happily ever after just me and you Lilly i mean Scsrlet just me and you."

He then let go off my chin and walked away into a door that was in the room. He came back with a thin white nightgown and threw it to me.

"Put this on. Im going to take you out for your first real feeding." He licked his lips and laughed.

Sorry for not updating in a while
I have like a week and 2 days for summer vacation and im studying for finals. It sucks since im going to be taking an ap class next year i have a summer assignment. But i will be updating more. In summer vacation :D

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