Chapter 22

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Hello everyone i finally updated after a long longggg time but guess what? I said guess. Thats right i start spring break next week


I get asked alot do you have an INSTAGRAM and yes yes i do my username is @crazy_self so go check it out if you decide please do follow i follow back :)

"Why won't you scream!"

Jared yelled as he covered his knife with more wolves bane and dugged it into my skin.

I bit onto my lip trying to hide the pain. It was so unbearable but i knew if i cave in he would get the satisfaction.

His eyes were cold they almost looked lifeless. What had happened to the one i had loved.

Do-n use the past tense we still love him! My wolf Kennedy tried telling me. She was pretty weak from the wolves bane, but she still held on.

"In a way your right. But your also wrong. I love what we had. I just can't possibly love someone who treats me the way he is treating me and its not like he loved me either way he probaly just used me to kill off Xander" I mind linked her i knew she understood where i was trying to get at because she didn't protest or it could've been the wolves bane.

The blade ripping into my flesh brought me back to reality. I let out a small whimper. At first he had or what i probaly imagained a worried look but he looked away and when he looked back at me he had a smile.

He dropped the knife and walked out of my cell.

I was so confused. Why did he stop? Don't get me wrong im glad he stopped but why did he?

I started to think. Does he really hate me ?

Of course he does i shouldn't try to get my expectations up he hates me and i don't blame him because....because i hate me too. If it weren't for me Tate, his mate Violet, my mom, my grandmother,my dad, their wolves, even Xander and so many more would still be alive.

"Im a monster..." i whispered to myself. Thinking about everything i've done. If only i could have thought back then of everything that ive could have done to change.

Tears started running down my face. Why is it always me. Why was i born? Why do i keep hurting everyone around me and causing them so much pain. Why is it that why has pain and and greed?

I was so angry with myself that it hurt. I guess it is true i am a monster. I started sobbing and took a deep breath hoping everyone in the pack would hear hoping they could feel my anger not towards them but towards me. I had snapped.

"IM A MONSTER ARE YOU HAPPY IM A MONSTER!!" *deep breath* "IM A MONSTER!!!" *deep breath* "IM a monster." I yelled as hard as i could . It felt like i was screaming but not at them but at myself. I had no energy for the last one i was too weak. The tears kept going and i didn't want them to stop. A moment later i could hear howling in the distance and in the cells. I knew that kind of howl. It was the howl of pain and grief. What a bunch of idiots they dare cry for me yet they were the ones who put me here in the first place.

I took the anger for myself and the anger i felt towards them i unleashed it into a growl. I felt so powerful with this growl i felt like i needed to get all this out i kept pushing my growl and trying to rip these chains off with all my might i wasn't going to let anyone stop me from my pups or myself. A gush of wind blew i knew it came from me. I closed my eyes. I stopped growling and moving and i opened my eyes. I was still in the cell and chained up, but my chains had cracks on them i was getting closer to my freedom.

"Better watch out Mr.Caines because here i come."

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