Chapter 16

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It happened so fast one minute i was in control the next she shifts and takes of running to go safe her mate she's so fucking stupid she's not his she's mine *growls* She's fucking MINE!"

HAHa well at least i did mate with her and now she will have my child and she won't be able to leave me because she will want to stay with me ha..hahaha yes my plan is working just you wait Scarlet you won't defeat me you won't even be able to concentrate in your powers to defeat me when your busy by my side with my kid.

Now i just need to get rid of Jared and her pups, but im going to need more soldiers for this war im going to bring since half of mine were eliminated. If i don't win this war then the prophecy will come true and ones again my kind will be defeated i need to act fast.

8 months later (A:N/  i just wanted to do a little time skip

(Scarlet's Pov)

I was in the kitchen preparing for food for Xavier and Violet their 1 year birthday party was coming up and they were pretty excited.

"Mama mik." Violet said with a beautiful dimple smile.

She had violet colored eyes pretty ironic considering her name.

"Okay violet im getting your milk warmed just keep still in your chair okay."

She just nodded her head as she ate her grapes.

"Xavier honey do you want anything to drink?"

"Mmm choco mik." He looked up with his toothy grin.

"Okay sweetie."

I got him his favorite chocolate milk.

Its been a 8 months since Xander last attacked and in those 8 months ive been gaining weight for some reason and I didn't know why but i also kept getting sharp pains in my belly. It kinda reminded me when i was pregnant with my little twins when they would kick me, but i wasn't pregnant i haven't even had intercourse with Jare..

Then it hit me like regina from mean girls getting hit by the bus  8 months ago fake Jared wait Xander pretended to be Jared and we..


I screamed holding my stomach.

"Mama?" Xavier looked at me with the same black eyes as his daddy he looked confused and scared.

"O im sorry baby it's okay mommy is just shocked."

"Mama okay."

"Yes mama is okay." I said while stroking his hair.

He then went back to eating his grapes.

"Oh the pancakes are ready." I tried to change the subject for myself.

I gave them their pancakes both Violet and Xavier loved alot of syrup on their pankcakes they certanly had a sweet tooth like me.

We have to tell our mate. Kadden my wolf told me.

Yea we do.

Jared knew about what happened with Xander with the um intercourse but he didnt get that mad since i told him he looked like him. Since he was also tricked with a vampire that made herself look like me. But i didn't know how he's going to react to me being pregnant especially since its not going to be his pup.

Jared and i actually are i guess a couple we don't live at the pack house we live at our own house and Cassidy finally talked to me and she is  expecting a little girl i was so happy for her.

The pups finally finished eating and i went to drop them off to Cassidy because she wanted to babysit so i can get a little break.

I got back home and just decided to take a small nap.

I woke up an hour later and Jared was already home. He was teaching more of his members to fight just incase Xander and his coven decided to attack.

"Hi Jared how was training?" I said while walking to his side in the kitchen while he prepared himself a drink.

"Today was better but not great." He said while pouring his orange juice.

Tell him now.



"Jared?" I said while nervously bitting onto my lip.

"Hmm what is it?"

"Im pregnant..with Xander's pup."

He dropped his cup and turned around to face me.

"WHAT!?" shock was clearly written on his face but also anger.

"Im pregnant..."

Pregnant with my teachers twins!Where stories live. Discover now