lawn of the dead

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Description: Benny tries to impress a girl by bringing her dead dog back to life, Y/N gets jealous.
(Y/N will be written as a female in this part)

** Trigger warnings: mentions of death, graphic violence, foul language, some angst, etc. Read at your own risk.

 Read at your own risk

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Chapter II

Laying beneath the duvet upon your bed, you stared up at your ceiling with a hazy mind. Your eyes hadn't been able to close that evening, for the feeling of Benny's lips still lingered amongst your own. Taking your fingertips, you grazed them across the pink flesh of your mouth, blinking slowly as you let your mind create the image again, as though it were your favorite part of a movie that played on an endless loop inside your head.

The clock was nearing nine-thirty as you slowly pushed the blanket off your body. Your phone had buzzed against your bedside table. Reaching over to grab it, you let the bright light of the screen reflect against your skin while reading over a message from Sarah:

hey, y/n. are you okay? i'm at ethan's babysitting and benny's here too, you seemed a little off today at school. if you can, come over and we'll spend the night here, until ethan's parents get back.

Gliding your tongue against your bottom lip, you could still taste the flavors of his mouth, or at least his evil twin's. You sat against the edge of your bed and typed back:

thank you for caring, sarah. but i'm just really tired, that's all. i'll stay in tonight, tell ethan and benny i'm fine. i'll see you at school tomorrow.

Hitting send, you placed your phone onto your bedside table and got back under the blanket, laying against your side and facing the window. The moonlit shone through the curtains, lighting up a small streak in your room.

Watching the night grow older caused your eyes to feel heavy, finally falling asleep.


The morning sun worked its way above Whitechapel, glistening the down with a beautiful golden tint. You had been at school, fumbling with your books of which you would gather for your next class. Once you had the things you knew you needed, you closed your locker and jumped at the sight of Sarah leaning against the lockers beside you.

"Don't scare me like that, Sarah!" You released in a whine, holding your hand over your chest.

"Spill it," Sarah spoke, ignoring your statement.

"Spill what? I don't know what you're talking about—.." You were cut off by the sight of Sarah's brow raised, she hadn't believed you in the slightest.

Softly sighing, you clutched your textbooks close to your chest, almost hugging them as you gnawed on the inside of your cheek. "Benny's evil twin.. may have kissed me," You pressed your lips together, heart racing rapidly as Sarah's eyes begun to glow.

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